The Bluenoser
Story 1 - Page 2

Author notes

Story 1 - Page 2


I know I said I'd update on Wednesdays but with the plan to go to the new DrunkDuck this week I figured I'd update a couple days early to make sure the page gets up this week. I'm hoping to increase to two updates a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) very soon. I have the next few stories written up so it's all about drawing them up at the moment. So maybe if the update goes smoothly I'll be updating again on Thursday or Friday. Once the update is done I'll iron out a more regular posting schedule.

ghostrunner – It's a burden to have so many ideas and so little time to implement them isn't it? I wish I could draw faster so I could get it all out there but I think the time actually helps me, it gives people time to provide feedback for me to improve. But that's a rambling for another time. :)

Locoma – True but I have faith in the Bluenoser.

shastab24 – Yeah, I tend to own up a little too much to inconsistencies and bad art. With this comic I'm really trying to focus on improving and keeping it fun.

ZomBie Sox – Thanks!

Legend Comics – I really do have to keep that advice in mind. I started off with the goal of keeping things fluid so they can be improved but I'm already falling back into bad habits. Luckily I have the DrunkDuck community around to set me straight. ;)

Thanks for reading everyone!


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