The Bluenoser
Story 1 - Page 5

Author notes

Story 1 - Page 5


I still don't have a comfortable buffer of pages built up but I'm going to try to stick to updating Tuesdays and Thursdays. I just feel one update a week makes the story move way too slowly.

This page was pretty fun to draw. And no more suit to draw (for now at least).

Locoma – Thanks! I really wanted to spend these first few stories introducing Blue (in terms of his powers and his personality) and a few of the villains who may have reoccurring roles to play. Also, I wanted to draw some superhero action. :)

ghostrunner – He did get pretty good distance didn't he.

shastab24 – The Genius will learn from his mistakes… maybe. But it doesn't look like he put up as much of a fight as everyone expected (this time).

I am Candyman – Thanks!


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