The Bluenoser
Master Mummy - Page 3

Author notes

Master Mummy - Page 3


I'm glad to hear my author notes are being well received. I definitely plan to continue them. I hope others find them beneficial as well, maybe it makes you think of what you're doing and how you can improve. But if not, at least I see it as helping me learn. ;)

As for this page, I really thought that fourth panel would be the knockout punch but I sort of like the first three. I think back to when I started doing webcomics and how wooden my characters looked, even in action moments, and I see how far I've come in those panels (especially the first two). I do like the fourth panel as well. I had an issue with backgrounds on it though. I think I should have thrown in some buildings or something but I thought it might clutter it a bit too much and detract from the big mummies. Now I think that may have been my lazy side creeping in.

ghostrunner - Thanks for the feedback. I like the idea of seeing at as a journal as well.

Legend Comics – He is a Habs fan. And yeah, webcomics are great for learning opportunities, I feel like I've learned a lot from this comic in such a short time.

shastab24 – The feedback from all of you has been great and I really appreciate it. I am pretty thankful that I haven't attracted any trolling yet and since I tend to stay under people's radars I think it may stay that way.

I am Candyman – Thanks for the feedback. I'm definitely going to try to keep the sound effects coming (when I feel they're appropriate of course). I even found a list someone made of all the sound effects that appeared in his collection (what issues and what they were the sound effect for) to help me out. ;)

Next page: More fighting! Thanks for reading and giving feedback everyone!


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