The Bluenoser
Master Mummy - Page 6

Author notes

Master Mummy - Page 6


First up, Caanan (who I first met two years ago at Fan Expo Canada) of Max Overacts fame did up this amazing Muppet/Thor mashup for 24 hour comic day (Australians do it at a different time than everyone else, how weird). It's definitely worth checking out.

Again with this page (my 25th page by the way, yay for milestones) you can see how much I love mixing action and dialogue. It's a little bit of a challenge to layout the panels (getting the action across, making it interesting, leaving room for the text bubbles, and trying to time them to make sense). Of course They'd have to be talking very fast to have this conversation in such a short amount of time but I find when I'm reading comics I can put that aside.

I think the angles may have been a bit on the boring side but overall I do like how the first 4 panels came out. I have a couple more pages to go for this storyline and I expect the next will be a little easier on the artistic side of things (the mummies and attempting to push a slightly darker look for this story has been a bit more time consuming than my usual pages).

ghostrunner – My favourite comic character is the Hulk so I find when in doubt I go with really big muscle characters destroying stuff.

shastab24 – Good point. I had the idea to try and restrict it to just expressive eyes but I think I could have done much more with a full face or even some body language (slumped shoulders or something). A missed opportunity for storytelling but a great chance to learn. ;)

Locoma – Textures seem to be yet another weakness of mine and I tend to avoid them. It's definitely showing on a few pages here.

I am Candyman and Peipei – Thanks!


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