The Cannon Girl

Start spreading the news!

Author notes

Start spreading the news!


Hey guys, hows it going? Well, after much deliberation and decisions, I just wanted to let you guys know that when you read this (Tuesday), I'll be flying out to NY on Wednesday and settle down there. Once everything is in place, hopefully I'll be updating more not just Warlord, but my other comics that have been in hiatus hell as well! 
Also with the move, this means that I'll be able to go to cons and activities, specifically in the Florida, Virginia, Boston, Conneticut, and of course, NY area, and whereever else that may be possible. Hopefully at some point I'll get to meet some of you guys! Anyway, I'll try to keep in touch here, or if you already have me on facebook/twitter and the like you'll be up to speed there. I'll try to be back as soon as possible!
In the meantime, here's Spider-Man and MJ!


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