The Chronicles of Wyrden
Characters: Nightshade and Darian Voss

Author notes

Characters: Nightshade and Darian Voss

Doctor Shadow

Nightshade: Cryssa Vola. A karnate (kharnate) thief that specialises in stealing rare objects d’art and gems, Nightshade is a temperamental creature that relies on her obvious looks, assets and capricious sexual nature to get exactly what she wants. She is completely ruthless in terms of manipulating both sexes to get her goal and as a worshipper of the Goddess Karnate she enjoys herself immensely when she does. She lives above Bell Alley and often hunts that very alley for sport and other distractions. She is a known acquaintance of Captain Talon Mane and has a list of friends and contacts she can go to if she ever bites off more than she can chew.

Nightshade is a beautiful creature but her karnate nature makes her vicious in combat and she delights in spilling blood. After all, once you’re done with the carnage and your blood is pumping through your veins you can go and find a good friend, steal their bath and their bed to relieve some of that murderous homicidal tension that’s built up from the night’s slaughter. She is no friend to the Church of Progression and whilst usually minding her own business she’ll happily involve herself in schemes that frustrate the churches agents: especially Keys Leyland.

Darian Voss: A curious kind of karnate, one possessed of the same murderous nature as most of his kind, but this is controlled since Darian is a man who prides himself on being meticulous and serene. To have such a raging beast at his beck and call often bemuses the other karnates who cannot understand how or why Darian should choose to reign himself in. Only the mysterious Countess Arabella truly knows why and since she is fast friends with Darian, she keeps that secret firmly under her fingernail. Arabella would dearly love him to move into her mansion along with many of the other karnates, but he prefers the sea air of Sullavale to the woods of her expansive estate.

Darian is first and foremost an artist with an appreciation for the female figure; his home is decorated with past conquests and pictures/sculptures of all the women that have ever crossed his path. A charming man with a silver tongue who outmatches the dashing Talon Mane, he stands on record at being the only man who managed to convince Inquisitor Vass Drae to pose naked for a sculpture, the rumour is that Vass was so impressed with the artists’ work that she left him that very statue in her Will should anything happen to her.


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