The Compozerz
3. Wig Toss

Author notes

3. Wig Toss


I'd ditch that wig too, if I were Wolfgang.

I have been working away at this, kidz! I penciled five pages yesterday (got inspired!) so updates will probably be more frequent for the next few days (possibly weeks).

I think it's the 8.5 x 11 format I decided to use. It makes the pages more consistent, plus it doesn't take forever to color them…in turn, making me able to post 'em faster fer your reading enjoyment!

Like I said, keep your eyes peeled for dem updates! No set-in-stone schedule just yet…

Also, if I am going to miss any updates or there's gonna be some kind of long lapse between comics, I will give you a heads up so you won't have to worry…I know y'all lose sleep over it ;)


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