- Let's Get This Potty Started
- Get That Zombie
- Balloon Ride
- Pity The Fool
- Ride The Rocket
- One Tough Cookie
- Cross Country Carriage
- Great Moments in Fatherhood
- Whatever It Takes
- An Elephant Never Forgives
- All Work and No Pay
- Can't Stop The Pop!
- Closet Drama
- Press The Green Button
- You Dirty Rat
- The Right to Bear Produce
- Aisle Be There For You
- Backdoor Action
- The Egg and the Egghead
- Pink Bear Now
- The Fly
- The Knew Guy
- Nametags
- Thanksgiving Leftovers
- Mustachio rides Again
- Gobble Gobble
- Five Zero
- Flash Flood
- Sweatin' to the Oldies
- Vultures
- Better Late than Never
- That's just Sick
- Baby got Backstock
- The Customer and the Employee
- Dan Fu
- Manage This
- A Bit Nippy
- Animal Favoritism
- Trickin' and-a Treatin'
- The Triumphant Return
- Drastic Measures
- Dan hates Vendors
- Random Things
- Radioactive Alien Cave-Bats
- The Wizard of Odd
- A Day in the Breakroom
- The Vendies
- Tardier than Thou
- Second Blood, Part 1
- Nixon and the Giant Display
- Ready, Aim...
- Lunchbreak: Daydream
- It's a Spoon and a Fork, you see
- Dan calls in Sick
- The Legend of Lenny
- Accidents Happen
- Story Time
- Nothin' Personal
- Initiation
- Full Metal Produce
- Revenge of the Compactor
- Protest
- Idiots
- Night of the Living Dan
- Hazardous to your Health
- Safety First
- Checking Out
- The Trashcan
- The Customer who didn't say "Excuse me"
- The Revolution Lives
- The Dungeon of Blasphemy
- Proffesionalism
- Sunday Best
- It's What's on the Inside
- Ground Under
- Emergence
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That reminds me of me in history class
no12limit3 at
dan the one in the epic of me is better but i like this one but a bagger
DLMcomics at
I forgot another thing besides the typo. I'll fix em tomorrow:)
SecondRateHeroes at
I love the second panel
leaderofstars at
you lied to me!!!!!
antcomics at
Ooooh I hate know it alls.
DLMcomics at
This ones a departure from bubbles in panel one. I had a lot of text and didn't want to shrink the characters any more than I had to. Anyway this guy is The Corner Store's new bagger, Mike. He's based off of a RL work buddy of mine. The RL version works the frozen section, but the comic needs a bagger!@
crocty at
Yes he did.