The Darkest Hour

Author notes

Page #14
SnowTheHedgehog onSo, Ink asked last time around if, with some mobians being around using the term »dangerous humanization«, if »dehumanization« would actually be depicted something overall positive.
I've thought a lot about the Sonic universe and its countless plot holes and tried to come up with halfway cohesive answers. Ink knows that. Three quarters of my considerations I've been sharing with him over time, one quarter of which probably only were actually interesting.
So, the thing with humanization and dehumanization in this version of Mobius is that the Robotnik War is cannon. On another note, Robotnik is Eggman in this. I heard a very feasible explanation to that quite some time ago. Whoever wrote it, I credit you. That person said that it could be possible that back in the day, when Robotnik and Sonic clashed for the first few times and Robotnik lost, Sonic - as is his personality - began to mock him, starting to call him »Eggman« for his body shape. Robotnik in return, who didn't like that name at all, began to think about it differently. If Sonic would start to call him Eggman just to mock him, then he would show the hedgehog what the Eggman could all do. Which is why Eggman dubbed the Robotnik War »Eggman War« himself, by which it is known on this Mobius.
Anyway, back with the main question. Ever since the Eggman War, the partnership between humans and mobians which has been always a bit tense, to say the least, due to the fact the world is too small for two supreme races, has been significantly damaged. Eggman wasn't - isn't - all depraved. He actually mentioned a sore theme for humanity itself: Being by nature weaker in built and not as ferocious as mobians, they have physically always been inferior to them, though a slant more intelligent and cunning. Therefore, they have been picked on by mobians to a point of being almost discriminated. There weren't few humans who grew tired of it. Eggman knew that, and he used that social tension in his favour. Not few humans followed him, although the vast majority stood against him and fought alongside the mobians. Obviousness following: Eggman lost the war, and history is continued to be written by the winners. Humans weren't only weak and inferior to mobians now, they've »shown their vile, second face and how treacherous they actually are«. Of course, discrimination went over the top now. Many governments in the parts of the world where humans are a minority have never seen a human in their parliament ever after. Few countries have established separate shops and public buildings, even whole new city suburbs to seperate the two races. Some few almost fundamentalist countries even prohibited access for humans to certain city suburbs during several periods of time within the day. Even the old principle of sitting the scum down on the very last bench in the bus has been re-established.
Nevertheless, the fact that mobians have benefited a lot from human ingenuity can't be denied. Electricity and cars being the most outstanding of exceptions, most of modern day inventions were made by humans. Fashion alike. »Dangerous humanization« in the given context means that some mobians are concerned as to what all the human products would do to the mobian spirit and culture. Imagine it like a »Made in (…)«-plaque taken a particularly racist way.
Still, people thinking like this are rather rare, and more so are district or country governments that discriminate human inhabitants so gravely as to limiting their free movement and shutting them off from the rest of society. In fact, dangerous humanization is a term that the slight majority of society sees as a sign you're an idiot, and such is dehumanization. Still, idiots do exist, and so does dehumanization. And man, do they go down with it. It even goes so far as to forsake on every bit of comfort in life. Living in a shed with no tap water, electricity or heating system. Often enough even without the shed, out in the wilderness. At that extreme point, it's not about shutting off from the »vile influence« of humans on mobians, it's just to show off. It's because mobians can and humans can't.
Whew, that was quite a lot. Heh, 's this answer your question, Ink_wolf? I guess it would, seeing how I have to credit you again for a third of the abovementioned we've come up with together, another third is right away stolen from you and only one third is actually my own child of mind.
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