The Darkest Hour

Author notes

Page #29
SnowTheHedgehog onGuess I should say something about the Archie comics, to cover the 0.0013% chance of being asked beforehand. At this point, Archie is not cannon to this story. It might become later; that depends on whether or not I'll ever read that comic series. As of now, the only canonity is with the next gen games.
On another note: Time for some new world building info. The tiny line saying how Knuckles was born an echidna »almost purely by coincidence«, bears a load of pondering on my behalf on the topic of mobian procreation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, cross-racial fornication will yield the childs to be strictly of the same race as one of the parents; in 9 of 10 cases, the mother's race. Because foxes don't hatch out of an egg a spider laid just because said spider fucked a fox. Also, no hybrids. Why? Because screw you.
Talking about spiders. All those mobians that developed out of lifeforms laying eggs - specifically those that lay hundreds or thousands at once - have lost that trait. The mobian gene still grants higher birth rates than human genes do, but nevertheless, a mobian dog wouldn't give birth to a baker's dozen anymore - twins, probably. Triplets - ehh… 5% chance. Likewise, egglaying mobians would only lay 5 - 20 eggs at once (depends on species), and only 10 - 25% of which (also depends) would actually hatch.
As said, in this worldsetting, you won't get any hybrids. Seriously. Don't even… think about it. The only hybrids I'll grant you are unlucky cross breeds being born without a strict division between two races, having them neigh always end up medium to extremely crippled. Like incest childs. Fucking German Ethics Council… They've handed in a written recommendation to the parliament to legalise incest. Tell ya what, should that actually become a thing, I'll be so Outtie 5000.
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