The Denim Avenger

Brand new content!! Chase scene 2

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Brand new content!! Chase scene 2


Ok, I'll be the first person to yell at my artistic peers for complaining about their own artwork when they full well know it's perfectly fine.

That said, let me just get this out of my system…

Bitch-Bitch-Bitch, WHAH WHAH, MoOo0o0o0o0oOOaN; Blah Blah "Artist block", Blah Blah "I hate this page", Blah blah "I suck".

*Sigh* Much Better!

So anyway, We're one page closer to completing "The Denim Avenger" issue 1 Remastered and Expanded Edition. If you've just come across our little corner of the duck for the first time and the page order is confusing you allow me to explain:

Nick (The Writing guy) and myself decided to create "The Denim Avenger" shortly after I signed up to attend Wizard's World Philly. As a result, by the time he finished the script and sent it to me I had 12 days to to storyboard, pencil, ink, and get the pages off to Kinko's (Yes, Kinko's). So now, While simaltaneously working on issue 2, I'm Fixing up most of the origional issue 1 pages and adding new content to bring everything up a level.

[Note to Nick: As you can see, I wrote in some Dialogue to make the page a little more interesting, let me know if you want me to change it.]
{Ps. Get a Freakin' Avatar.}


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