- 700 Pages!
- Arrow
- But I Have a Spoon
- I Still Have My Fork
- Rokulily, the Dark Champion
- All Out
- Zeph, the Lady's Man
- Ally Versus Zeph
- Ally Smash!
- Ally Haert The Barbarian
- Bring It
- The War Council
- Haunted
- Seriously?
- Ghost Versus Ghost
- In PKMNhuntah's Mind
- Ally's Ghost
- The Mass Grave
- TFGM is Back!
- Nice Things
- O Fools
- Magic Boobs
- Ghost
- A Late Night At The Tavern
- Day Two
- Night One
- Now, Where Were We?
- Day One
- Day Zero
- Kill the U
- Pictures or it Didn't Happen
- Vote for pokketmonstahhuntah
- Vote for Zeph and Jay
- Vote for Jninjashadow and Zeph
- Vote for Ally Haert
Term Forty-five: Return to Townstonia
- Insane Niccea
- The Insane
- The Insane Doctor
- The Voice
- The Exorcist
- The Coward
- The Doctor
- The Survivors
- The Soul Bound
- The Hand of Vengeance
- Brave Leader
- Whhhhhhhhy?!
- Vote for seventy2
- Vote for Salsa
- Vote for Jninjashadow
- Vote for Harkovast
Term Forty-two: The Forgotten Year
- Let's Murder Some Zombies
- Vote for BFFSatan
- Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey
Term Forty-four: The Re-Deadening
- The Boss Battle Part One
- Paranoid
- Really?
- Blindsk the Turtleking
- Bobby the Plumber
- Vote for Ochi and Zeph
- You Won't Get My Hat This Time!
- Vote for Rokulily
- Vote for Zeph and Ochi
- Vote for Hakoshen
Term Forty-three: Super Mafio Brothers and the Legend of Mega Fantasy Castle
- The Victors
- Salsa Has Tried to Run This Game Before
- Heartless
- What if TFGM Became a Commander?
- Spud on Fire
- Vote for seventy2
- Vote for Mettaur
Term Forty-one: Crash Landing
- Niccea the Burger King
- Crocty the Little Ceaser
- Gentlemen
- Evil Laugh
- Missed
- Oh YEAH!
- Something for 1337
- How Does Salsa Do Business?
- Did You Have to Kill Me?
- Salsa Owns the Spaceport
- Salsa is the Pardoner
- Vote for Mettaur
- Vote for Gullas
- Vote for Salsa (again)
- Vote for seventy2
- Vote for KomradeDave
- Vote for Salsa
Term Forty: Bigger is Better
- This Isn't an Election Poster!
- Detective Mayor Salsa
- Gullas is not the Letter "E"
- Niccea Knows Fluffy
Term Thirty-nine: The Return to Townston Tradition
- The Battle
- The Unicorn has a Word with 1337
- What You Say?
- Vote for Niccea
- Vote for jninjashadow
Term Thirty-eight: Revenge of the Spanish Mongoose Venom
- Rokulily - The Raging Beserker with Wolverine Claws
- Mafia Math
- It's Alive!
- That is Just Crazy Enough to Walrus
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Fashionably Elected
- The Awesome Hat
- TFGM is Losing
- Vote for Rokulily
- Vote for Salsa
- Vote for TFGM
- Vote for Jninjashadow
- Vote for S-Frankkerr
Term Thirty-seven: The Madness Never Ends
- Salsa's Birthday Cake
- Mettaur Accuses Keybounce
- The Resident Monster Hunter
- Vote for Mettaur
- Harkovast - The Patron Saint of Finger Pointing
Term Thirty-six: Trick or Townston
- The Untouchables
- Election Day
- The Anti-Kroatz Poster
- Vote for Harkovast
- Vote for Niccea
- Vote for Product Placement
- Vote for Mettaur
Term Thirty-five: Babes, Booze, and Bullets
- Vote for TFGM
Term Thirty-four: Marvel Versus DC
- The Mayor and Pardoner
- Milkshake
- Two Posters are Better Than One
- This is Awesome
- Two Clue Solvers are Better Than One
- Vote for Jninjashadow
- No Justice
Term Thirty-three: Back in Business
- A Formal Apology
- Medic
- Have I Heard This Line Before?
- U
- You People Are Crazies
- The Power of Friendship
- Krotz Says "Anarchy"
- No More BFF
- Bribary
- Get That Pesky Fly
Term Thirty-two: Anarchy in Townston
- DWM 21
- DWM 20
- DWM 19
- DWM 18
- DWM 17
- DWM 16
- DWM 15
- DWM 14
- DWM 13
- DWM 12
- DWM 11
- DWM 10
- DWM 9
- DWM 8
- DWM 7
- DWM 6
- DWM 5
- DWM 4
- DWM 3
- DWM 2
Zeph's Story: Dealing With Mafia
- Celebrating Too Early
- You Got That Song Stuck in my Head
- Jay's Angels
- Unicorn Glue
- The Cold Hands of Logic
- "They Aren't That Much of a Threat"
- Ghosts
- Repo Men
- Dressing The Supermodels
- Salsa the Mad Bomber
- Thor Hammer Strike
- Battle Royal
- Best of Two Evils
- Blank Screen
- Us?
- What?
- Take That Back
- Product Placement: The Game Master
- Hakoshen
- Product Placement: The Game Master
- We Elected Them
- Zeph Doesn't Like Star Wars
- The New Street
- Day One
- A Real Election Poster for Salsa
- Scary Niccea
- Panda Warrior Ochi
- Vote for Zeph
- Vote for jninjashadow
- The Manly Unicorn
- Vote for seventy2
- Vote for Mettaur
- Redemption
Term Thirty-one: Kicking It Old School
- Even More Mafia People Sketches
- Mafia People 2
- Mafia People 1
- Product Placement's Bad Day
- Summary of the Game
- Men Down
- TFGM is Smelly, So Vote for Crocty
- Map for the Game
Term Thirty: Total War
- The Stereotype
- The Local Pub
- The Joust
- Thank You
- Demotivation
- The Queen
Term Twenty-nine: Heroes of Townstoria
- I'm the Psychopath
- Confrontation
- Who Will Draw Cute Pictures Now?
- The Tombstone
- Noir Enough?
- Vote for Zeph
- Vote for Mettaur
- Watching You
- Jninjashadow for Mayor
- The Eyes
Term Twenty-eight: Mafia Noir
- Zombie-itis
- The Boomer
- Out of my Boat
- Niccea at Work
- Drawoff: Alwinbot
- Draw off: Rokulily
- Draw off: TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Adorable Powers Unite!
- Vote for Maru
- Worst Election Poster Ever
- Mettaur for Mayor
- Silly Zombies
- Salsa for Mayor
- Rokulily for Mayor
- Messing with Rokulily
- Too Many Product Placements
Term Twenty-seven: The Infection of Townston
- Zeph Defends Rokulily
- Attacking the Airstrip
- Bring It!
- The Rebuild
- How the Battle Ended
- Prepare to Die
- Meanwhile From a Safe Distance
- War in the Clouds
- TFGM Isn't Amused
- Fighting Gravity
- They Ignore Advice
- Professor Rokulily Explains
- Vote Kroatz
Term Twenty-six: The Guild Wars! (Warning: Pushes T Rating)
- Zeph's Kill
- Rigor Mortis
- Giants
- Sammich
- Hung Out to Dry
- Parker Farker for Mayor
- Rokulily for Mayor
- Mafia to the Left
- Vote for Kroatz
- Vote for Hakoshen....if you want
- Vote for Cute
- 1337 Master for Mayor
- Vote for jninjashadow
- Vote for Mettaur
- Vote for Same
- Vote for Zeph
Term Twenty-five: Time Rampage
- Greetings From Iceland
- "A Fate Worse Than Death"
- You Still Have Us!
- Same Dug His Own Grave
- Same's Death
- RIP Mettaur
- Why Jninjashadow Wanted to Lynch Randomdudeperson
- Same Wants Cornbread
- The Reaction to the "Incident"
- The Said "Incident"
- Day Two
- Night One
- Another Version of the Instalynch
- Instalynch
- Day One
- Jninjashadow is Behind in the Polls
- Vote for Jninjashadow...
- I Have a Good Reason to Vote for TFGM
- Vote for 1337 Master...
- Vote for Kroatz
- Mmmmmm, Salsa
- Opening Narration
Term Twenty-four: The Wild Wild West
- The Mafia and Ally (and Salsa)
- And Thus, the Town was Destroyed
- Same Wanted to Press a Button Too
- Rokulily, Why do You Still Have Salsa's Hat?
- Manuel's Funeral
- Roku Presses The Button
- Roku's Psychology Notes
- Vote for Harkovast
- Vote for Rokulily
- Vote for Therealtj
Term Twenty-three: Back to Basics
- Summary of the Game
- Lame
- The Best Actors Ever
- Stop Making the Pardoner Cry
- The Great Debate
- Bye
- The Bill
- Epic Pie Catch
- Dangerous Jello
- National Dinosaur Rodeo Day
- And The Mayor Is...
- Public Relations
- Campaign Button
- Vote TheFlyingGreenMonkey for Pardoner
- Vote for Rokulily
- Remember
Term Twenty-two: The Great Townston Fog
- Sun
- Hmmmph!
- I'M A GOD!
Term Twenty-one: Battle of the Gods!
- Only One
- Prop?
Term Nineteen: The Anime Convention
- Retaya - The Dramatic
- GMs in PJs
- Anthony Mercer - The Emotional Lurker
- Man Marries Garlic
- Huggable
- Fisticuffs
- How Gullas Lost
- The Rap-off
- Vote seventy2
- Vote Gullas
- Vote D_dude
- Happy Halloween
Term Eighteen: This Is Halloween
- The Neutrals
- The Mafia
- Wild Cards
- Roku Goes Beserk
- Harkovast - The Turd That Just Won't Flush
- Fireworks
- Title?
- Sorry
- Guardian Angel
- Niccea vs Rokulily
- Kitty the Pimp
- The Doctor Is In
- RIP TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Back-up Chute
- D_dude The Flasher
- You Did What?!
- Monkeys with Grenades
- Tinker Hark-othy!
- No! Ted!
- Back at the Crocty Cave...
- Have A Cookie!
- This Is Madness!
- A Smiling GM
- Let's Do This Thing
- Pretty Please?
- Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Vote for Roku
Term Seventeen: The Madness Continues
- Robot Ninja Bunnies
- Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Vote for Hark
- Vote For Kitty
Term Sixteen: District Townston
- Vote for Salsa
- Vote for Product Placement
- Vote for Gullas
Term Fifteen: Topsy Turvy
- Under Watch
- A feast
- The volcano cake
- Vote for Crocty
- Vote TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Vote for Rokulily
Term Fourteen: Attack of the Troll
- Yoooouuu
- Snow Day
- Gotta Do Something
- Recruitment Time
- Taking Shape
- A Ghostly Figure
- Where Stuff Actually Happens
- Mock Elections
- The End Is The Beginning
- Vote for Rock Trap
Term Thirteen: Heaven or Hell
- Aroused
- Crocty!
- Undecided
- Unmoved
- Moved
- TFGM's New Title
- No Winner
- Mass Destruction
- The Final Charge
- The "Hero" of Townstonia
- The Beserker
- Ravaging Death
- Most of the Game In One Page
- Vote for theflyinggreenmonkey
- Therealtj vs the Black Mage: Part Two
- Therealtj vs the Black Mage: Part One
- Vote for Gullas
- Vote for Anthony Mercer
Term Twelve: The Legend of Townstonia
- Night Four: I'm OK!
- Night Four: The Final Showdown
- Renga Takes Action
- Day Four: WAILA is the Executioner
- Night Three: Final Fantasy Football
- Night Three: Forever Comes Quick
- Night Three: Friends Forever
- Night Three: Werecub on the Hunt
- And Now A Word From Our Sponser
- Day Three: He's ALIVE!
- Night Two: Zombie Leader Has His Hands Full
- Day Two: Townston News at 7
- Day One: A Hobo in Office
- Prologue: Early Meeting
- Prologue: In the Cave
- Vote for theflyinggreenmonkey
- Vote for Waff-man
- Vote For Gullas
Term Eleven: They Did The Mash
- Kitty the Bomber
- Salsa in the Afterlife
- Salsa Dies
- Summary of Mafia X
- Vote for Niccea (again)
- Vote for Kitty17 (again)
- Vote for Waff-Man
- Vote for Niccea
- Vote For Kitty17
Term Ten: Mafia Classic
- Hooked
- Dinos!
- The Brave Seafarers Return Home
- Night Four: Bungle in the Jungle
- Hot T-Rex
- Suckers!
- Let the people speak
- Waff's Idea
- What is the Captian thinking?
- Day Four: Natural Causes
- Day Four: There are mutants here too?
- Day Four: The Amazing Squirrel Boy
- Day Four: No Power?!
- Kitty the Velociraptor
- Night Three: Half Gone
- Intermission: No Soup for Crocty
- Intermission: Hawtastic
- Intermission - Bad Dream
- Crocty's Angels
- Day Two: Bad Acting
- Day Two: Hostage Situation
- Day Two: Is Crocty a Vampire?
- Day Two: Sword Cane
- Day Two: Confrontation
- Salsa Eats His Hat
- Sherlock vs. Watson
- Night One: A Helping Hand
- Day One: The Sick Captain is Very Ill
- Prologue
- The Ghost Nurse
- Vote for Waff
- Vote therealtj
- Vote for the Flying Green Monkey
- Vote Niccea!
- Vote Salsa
Term Nine: Journey to Far Away-ia
- The Dragon of Awesomeness!
- The Superego!
- The ID!
- Night Six: Death Rays and Rock
- Let's Do This!
- Badger And Fake
- Pastel's Gang
- Day Six: The Horror
- Night Five: Plugged
- Day Five: Cut out
- Night Four: Welcome to Blarnia
- Day Four: Our Fingers Are Crossed
- Night Three: Bread Dough and the Power of Rock Don't Mix
- Day Three: A Multicountry Tail
- Dead Unicorn
- Night Two: Anticipation
- Day Two: Therapy
- Night One: "I've got problems"
- Day One: Of Gods And Racism
- Vote for Lunaris Victoria
- Vote for Product Placement
- Vote for Waff
- Vote Ozoneocean
- Vote for the Flying Green Monkey
- Vote For Pastel
- The Puppet
Term Eight: The Battle For Hark's Soul
- 175 Pages!
- Term Seven Banner
- Group Picture
- G. I. Mofo
- Night Four: That Ain't Right
- Night Four: Something is Down There
- Night Four: Roku's Stand
- The Tea Party
- Day Four: Cut Off
- Day Four: The Fetal Ninja
- Night Three: Everyone is Busy
- Day Three: Finishing the Job
- Day Three: Did I do it?
- Night Two: Quite the Opposite of Night One
- Day Two: No Lynches
- Day One: Godfather
Term Seven: G.I. Mofo
- Vote for Kitty17
- Vote for Crocty
- Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey
- Vote for Waff
- Waff-Man 4
- Mafia Family Photo 3
- Mafia Family Photo 2
- Mafia Family Photo 1
- Night Four: Picking Up the Pieces
- Night Four: BOOOM!
- Night Four: Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb
- Night Four: Monologue
- Night Four: No Shoving
- Night Four: The Warlord
- Night Four: WTF?!
- Night Four: U.S. Army - 1
- Night Four: A Big Mistake
- Night Four: Pole Vault
- Night Four: Scorpions
- Night Four: The Back Door
- Night Four: Bad Feeling
- Night Four: Meet Me
- Night Four: Where is the2ndredbaron
- Night Four: High Tensions
- Day Four: Compromising
- Night Three
- Day Three: Overkill
- Night Two: How?
- Day Two: Not Dramatic
- Night One: Late
- Day One: Instalynched
Term Six: Gooey Pink Hearts
- The Flying Green Monkey has Donuts!
- Waff's Poster
- "Soldier on Hak!"
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 7
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 6
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 5
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 4
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 3
- The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 2
The Flying Green Monkey's Story
- The Final Stand: Part 1
- Night Three: Total Slaughter
- Total Domination
- Kitty's Death
- Day Three: Depressed Hak
- Night Two: When Happy Killing Blobs Attack
- Day Two: The Skerple
- Hail to the Chief
- Night One: Breaking In
- Day One: Finally
- Change is in the Air
Term Five: Uccidere
- Crocty for Mayor
- 100 Pages!
- Bobby for Mayor
- The Cake Has Spoken
- The Experience of Inexperience
- Super Townie
- Ochi's Problems
- Gullas's Story: Part Three
- Gullas's Story: Part Two
- Gullas's Story: Part One
Gullas's Story
- Day Four: Needing Elbow Room
- Night Three: Part Two
- Night Three: Part One
- "I'm the Goddamn Batman"
- Day Three: New Mayor
- Confession
- Night Two: Bring Out Your Dead
- Day Two: Who Dun It?
- Blitz Wuz Here
- Suspect?!
- Night One: Death Comes Quickly
- Day One: Forgot about Daylight Savings Time
- Ozone for Mayor
- Crocty for Mayor
- Kitty for pardoner
- Day One: Hark Retires
Term Four: Purple Polka Dot Ponies
- How Hark Hides His Valuables
- The Thief
- "Huge Zit"
- Night Five: Learning to Count
- Days Four Through Five: In Four Panels
- How it Feels to be a GM
- Night Three: The GM Steps In
- Day Three: Wrong But Right
- Night Two: Things That Go Bump In The Night
- Day Two: Didn't See That One Coming...
- Night One: The Shadow Knows...
- Day One From Another Perspective
- Registration!
- Day One: Elections
- Godzilla is Over There
- Vakanai is not Godzilla
- Leaderofstars for Mayor
- Hark For Mayor
Term Three: Rainbow Toe Socks
- Waff's Story - Night Three
- Waff's Story - Night Two
- Waff's Story - Night One
- We Interupt Waff's Story to Bring You This Important Message!
- Waff's Story - Day One
Waff's Story
- Ochi's Chart
- Day Four - Do Not Anger Strange Voices From The Sky
- Day Four - BOOM?
- Day Four - How We Solve Delimas
- Mafia II - Harkovast's Other Story
- Night Three- F**K
- Day Three - Taking Up the Slack
- Night Two - "Utter Chaos"
- Day Two - If It Worked Once...
- Night One - What happened
- Day One - And the Winner Is
- Campaign Poster: Hakoshen for Mayor
- Campaign Poster: Waff for Mayor
- Campaign Poster: Niccea for Mayor
- Day One - Beginning Anew
Term Two: Pink Fluffy Bunnies
- Ready To Roll
- How I Did It Part 4
- How I Did It Part 3
- How I Did It Part 2
- How I Did It Part 1
How I Did It: A Godmother's Story
- Day Eight - The End
- Night Seven - Waiting...
- Day Seven - The End?
- Day Six - My Last Words
- Night Five - My Turn
- Day Five - Finally
- Bobby the Butcher
- "That's Not Normal"
- Night Four - Were Clues Necessary?
- Day Four - Who Are We Talking About?
- Ody's "Brillant" Escape Plan
- Townston by Odysseus
- Night Three - The Strangest Kill Ever
- Mafia: The Harkovast Story
- Day Three - He got away?
- Day Three - Confession?
- Night Two - Aftermath
- Day Two - The First Lynch
- Night One - Aftermath
- Seacowbie
- Campaign Poster: Ozone for Mayor
- Day One - Election
- Prologue
Term One: S.T.A.B.
- Cover: Mafia Game
Author notes
The final page. It is slightly rushed because new game is starting soon. It was fun being the Godmother, but I hope I have a less demanding role on the next game.
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