- 700 Pages! - Arrow - But I Have a Spoon - I Still Have My Fork - Rokulily, the Dark Champion - All Out - Zeph, the Lady's Man - Ally Versus Zeph - Ally Smash! - Ally Haert The Barbarian - Bring It - The War Council - Haunted - Seriously? - Ghost Versus Ghost - In PKMNhuntah's Mind - Ally's Ghost - The Mass Grave - TFGM is Back! - Nice Things - O Fools - Magic Boobs - Ghost - A Late Night At The Tavern - Day Two - Night One - Now, Where Were We? - Day One - Day Zero - Kill the U - Pictures or it Didn't Happen - Vote for pokketmonstahhuntah - Vote for Zeph and Jay - Vote for Jninjashadow and Zeph - Vote for Ally Haert Term Forty-five: Return to Townstonia - Insane Niccea - The Insane - The Insane Doctor - The Voice - The Exorcist - The Coward - The Doctor - The Survivors - The Soul Bound - The Hand of Vengeance - Brave Leader - Whhhhhhhhy?! - Vote for seventy2 - Vote for Salsa - Vote for Jninjashadow - Vote for Harkovast Term Forty-two: The Forgotten Year - Let's Murder Some Zombies - Vote for BFFSatan - Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey Term Forty-four: The Re-Deadening - The Boss Battle Part One - Paranoid - Really? - Blindsk the Turtleking - Bobby the Plumber - Vote for Ochi and Zeph - You Won't Get My Hat This Time! - Vote for Rokulily - Vote for Zeph and Ochi - Vote for Hakoshen Term Forty-three: Super Mafio Brothers and the Legend of Mega Fantasy Castle - EPIC! - The Victors - Salsa Has Tried to Run This Game Before - Heartless - What if TFGM Became a Commander? - Spud on Fire - Vote for seventy2 - Vote for Mettaur Term Forty-one: Crash Landing - Niccea the Burger King - Crocty the Little Ceaser - Gentlemen - Evil Laugh - Missed - Oh YEAH! - Something for 1337 - How Does Salsa Do Business? - Did You Have to Kill Me? - Salsa Owns the Spaceport - Salsa is the Pardoner - Vote for Mettaur - Vote for Gullas - Vote for Salsa (again) - Vote for seventy2 - Vote for KomradeDave - Vote for Salsa Term Forty: Bigger is Better - This Isn't an Election Poster! - Detective Mayor Salsa - Gullas is not the Letter "E" - Niccea Knows Fluffy Term Thirty-nine: The Return to Townston Tradition - The Battle - The Unicorn has a Word with 1337 - What You Say? - Vote for Niccea - Vote for jninjashadow Term Thirty-eight: Revenge of the Spanish Mongoose Venom - Rokulily - The Raging Beserker with Wolverine Claws - Mafia Math - It's Alive! - That is Just Crazy Enough to Walrus - Happy Thanksgiving - Fashionably Elected - The Awesome Hat - TFGM is Losing - Vote for Rokulily - Vote for Salsa - Vote for TFGM - Vote for Jninjashadow - Vote for S-Frankkerr Term Thirty-seven: The Madness Never Ends - Salsa's Birthday Cake - Mettaur Accuses Keybounce - The Resident Monster Hunter - Vote for Mettaur - Harkovast - The Patron Saint of Finger Pointing Term Thirty-six: Trick or Townston - The Untouchables - Election Day - The Anti-Kroatz Poster - Vote for Harkovast - Vote for Niccea - Vote for Product Placement - Vote for Mettaur Term Thirty-five: Babes, Booze, and Bullets - Vote for TFGM Term Thirty-four: Marvel Versus DC - The Mayor and Pardoner - Milkshake - Two Posters are Better Than One - This is Awesome - Two Clue Solvers are Better Than One - Vote for Jninjashadow - No Justice Term Thirty-three: Back in Business - A Formal Apology - Medic - Have I Heard This Line Before? - U - You People Are Crazies - The Power of Friendship - Krotz Says "Anarchy" - No More BFF - Bribary - Get That Pesky Fly Term Thirty-two: Anarchy in Townston - DWM 21 - DWM 20 - DWM 19 - DWM 18 - DWM 17 - DWM 16 - DWM 15 - DWM 14 - DWM 13 - DWM 12 - DWM 11 - DWM 10 - DWM 9 - DWM 8 - DWM 7 - DWM 6 - DWM 5 - DWM 4 - DWM 3 - DWM 2 Zeph's Story: Dealing With Mafia - Celebrating Too Early - You Got That Song Stuck in my Head - Jay's Angels - Unicorn Glue - The Cold Hands of Logic - "They Aren't That Much of a Threat" - Ghosts - Repo Men - Dressing The Supermodels - Salsa the Mad Bomber - Thor Hammer Strike - Battle Royal - Best of Two Evils - Blank Screen - Us? - What? - Take That Back - Product Placement: The Game Master - Hakoshen - Product Placement: The Game Master - We Elected Them - Zeph Doesn't Like Star Wars - The New Street - Day One - A Real Election Poster for Salsa - Scary Niccea - Panda Warrior Ochi - Vote for Zeph - Vote for jninjashadow - The Manly Unicorn - Vote for seventy2 - Vote for Mettaur - Redemption Term Thirty-one: Kicking It Old School - Even More Mafia People Sketches - Mafia People 2 - Mafia People 1 - Product Placement's Bad Day - Summary of the Game - Men Down - TFGM is Smelly, So Vote for Crocty - Map for the Game Term Thirty: Total War - The Stereotype - The Local Pub - The Joust - Thank You - Demotivation - The Queen Term Twenty-nine: Heroes of Townstoria - I'm the Psychopath - Confrontation - Who Will Draw Cute Pictures Now? - The Tombstone - Noir Enough? - Vote for Zeph - Vote for Mettaur - Watching You - Jninjashadow for Mayor - The Eyes Term Twenty-eight: Mafia Noir - Zombie-itis - The Boomer - Out of my Boat - Niccea at Work - Drawoff: Alwinbot - Draw off: Rokulily - Draw off: TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Adorable Powers Unite! - Vote for Maru - Worst Election Poster Ever - Mettaur for Mayor - Silly Zombies - Salsa for Mayor - Rokulily for Mayor - Messing with Rokulily - SNAP! - Too Many Product Placements Term Twenty-seven: The Infection of Townston - AWESOME! - Zeph Defends Rokulily - Attacking the Airstrip - Bring It! - The Rebuild - How the Battle Ended - Prepare to Die - Meanwhile From a Safe Distance - War in the Clouds - TFGM Isn't Amused - Fighting Gravity - They Ignore Advice - Professor Rokulily Explains - Vote Kroatz Term Twenty-six: The Guild Wars! (Warning: Pushes T Rating) - Zeph's Kill - Rigor Mortis - Giants - Sammich - Hung Out to Dry - Parker Farker for Mayor - Rokulily for Mayor - Mafia to the Left - Vote for Kroatz - Vote for Hakoshen....if you want - Vote for Cute - 1337 Master for Mayor - Vote for jninjashadow - Vote for Mettaur - Vote for Same - Vote for Zeph Term Twenty-five: Time Rampage - Greetings From Iceland - "A Fate Worse Than Death" - You Still Have Us! - Same Dug His Own Grave - Same's Death - RIP Mettaur - Why Jninjashadow Wanted to Lynch Randomdudeperson - Same Wants Cornbread - The Reaction to the "Incident" - The Said "Incident" - Day Two - Night One - Another Version of the Instalynch - Instalynch - Day One - Jninjashadow is Behind in the Polls - Vote for Jninjashadow... - I Have a Good Reason to Vote for TFGM - Vote for 1337 Master... - Vote for Kroatz - Mmmmmm, Salsa - Opening Narration Term Twenty-four: The Wild Wild West - The Mafia and Ally (and Salsa) - And Thus, the Town was Destroyed - Same Wanted to Press a Button Too - Rokulily, Why do You Still Have Salsa's Hat? - Manuel's Funeral - Roku Presses The Button - Roku's Psychology Notes - BETRAYAL! - Vote for Harkovast - Vote for Rokulily - Vote for Therealtj Term Twenty-three: Back to Basics - Summary of the Game - Lame - The Best Actors Ever - Stop Making the Pardoner Cry - The Great Debate - Bye - The Bill - Epic Pie Catch - Dangerous Jello - National Dinosaur Rodeo Day - And The Mayor Is... - Public Relations - Campaign Button - Vote TheFlyingGreenMonkey for Pardoner - Vote for Rokulily - Remember Term Twenty-two: The Great Townston Fog - Sun - Hmmmph! - I'M A GOD! Term Twenty-one: Battle of the Gods! - Only One - Prop? Term Nineteen: The Anime Convention - Retaya - The Dramatic - GMs in PJs - Anthony Mercer - The Emotional Lurker - Man Marries Garlic - Huggable - Fisticuffs - How Gullas Lost - The Rap-off - Vote seventy2 - Vote Gullas - Vote D_dude - Happy Halloween Term Eighteen: This Is Halloween - The Neutrals - The Mafia - Wild Cards - Roku Goes Beserk - Harkovast - The Turd That Just Won't Flush - Fireworks - Title? - Sorry - Guardian Angel - Niccea vs Rokulily - Kitty the Pimp - The Doctor Is In - RIP TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Back-up Chute - D_dude The Flasher - You Did What?! - Monkeys with Grenades - Tinker Hark-othy! - No! Ted! - Back at the Crocty Cave... - Have A Cookie! - This Is Madness! - A Smiling GM - Let's Do This Thing - Pretty Please? - Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Vote for Roku Term Seventeen: The Madness Continues - Robot Ninja Bunnies - Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Vote for Hark - Vote For Kitty Term Sixteen: District Townston - Vote for Salsa - Vote for Product Placement - Vote for Gullas Term Fifteen: Topsy Turvy - Under Watch - A feast - The volcano cake - Vote for Crocty - Vote TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Vote for Rokulily Term Fourteen: Attack of the Troll - Yoooouuu - Snow Day - Gotta Do Something - Recruitment Time - Taking Shape - A Ghostly Figure - Where Stuff Actually Happens - Mock Elections - The End Is The Beginning - Vote for Rock Trap Term Thirteen: Heaven or Hell - Aroused - Crocty! - Undecided - Unmoved - Moved - TFGM's New Title - No Winner - Mass Destruction - The Final Charge - The "Hero" of Townstonia - The Beserker - Ravaging Death - Most of the Game In One Page - Vote for theflyinggreenmonkey - Therealtj vs the Black Mage: Part Two - Therealtj vs the Black Mage: Part One - Vote for Gullas - Vote for Anthony Mercer Term Twelve: The Legend of Townstonia - Night Four: I'm OK! - Night Four: The Final Showdown - Renga Takes Action - Day Four: WAILA is the Executioner - Night Three: Final Fantasy Football - Night Three: Forever Comes Quick - Night Three: Friends Forever - Night Three: Werecub on the Hunt - And Now A Word From Our Sponser - Day Three: He's ALIVE! - Night Two: Zombie Leader Has His Hands Full - Day Two: Townston News at 7 - Day One: A Hobo in Office - Prologue: Early Meeting - Prologue: In the Cave - Vote for theflyinggreenmonkey - Vote for Waff-man - Vote For Gullas Term Eleven: They Did The Mash - Kitty the Bomber - Salsa in the Afterlife - Salsa Dies - Summary of Mafia X - Vote for Niccea (again) - Vote for Kitty17 (again) - Vote for Waff-Man - Vote for Niccea - Vote For Kitty17 Term Ten: Mafia Classic - Hooked - Dinos! - The Brave Seafarers Return Home - Night Four: Bungle in the Jungle - Hot T-Rex - Suckers! - Let the people speak - Waff's Idea - What is the Captian thinking? - Day Four: Natural Causes - Day Four: There are mutants here too? - Day Four: The Amazing Squirrel Boy - Day Four: No Power?! - Kitty the Velociraptor - Night Three: Half Gone - Intermission: No Soup for Crocty - Intermission: Hawtastic - Intermission - Bad Dream - Crocty's Angels - Day Two: Bad Acting - Day Two: Hostage Situation - Day Two: Is Crocty a Vampire? - Day Two: Sword Cane - Day Two: Confrontation - Salsa Eats His Hat - Sherlock vs. Watson - Night One: A Helping Hand - Day One: The Sick Captain is Very Ill - Prologue - The Ghost Nurse - Vote for Waff - Vote therealtj - Vote for the Flying Green Monkey - Vote Niccea! - Vote Salsa Term Nine: Journey to Far Away-ia - The Dragon of Awesomeness! - The Superego! - The ID! - Night Six: Death Rays and Rock - Let's Do This! - Badger And Fake - Pastel's Gang - Day Six: The Horror - Night Five: Plugged - Day Five: Cut out - Night Four: Welcome to Blarnia - Day Four: Our Fingers Are Crossed - Night Three: Bread Dough and the Power of Rock Don't Mix - Day Three: A Multicountry Tail - Dead Unicorn - Night Two: Anticipation - Day Two: Therapy - Night One: "I've got problems" - Day One: Of Gods And Racism - Vote for Lunaris Victoria - Vote for Product Placement - Vote for Waff - Vote Ozoneocean - Vote for the Flying Green Monkey - Vote For Pastel - The Puppet Term Eight: The Battle For Hark's Soul - 175 Pages! - Term Seven Banner - Group Picture - G. I. Mofo - Night Four: That Ain't Right - Night Four: Something is Down There - Night Four: Roku's Stand - The Tea Party - Day Four: Cut Off - Day Four: The Fetal Ninja - Night Three: Everyone is Busy - Day Three: Finishing the Job - Day Three: Did I do it? - Night Two: Quite the Opposite of Night One - Day Two: No Lynches - Day One: Godfather Term Seven: G.I. Mofo - Vote for Kitty17 - Vote for Crocty - Vote for TheFlyingGreenMonkey - Vote for Waff - Waff-Man 4 - WAFF-MAN 3 - WAFF-MAN 2 - WAFF-MAN - Mafia Family Photo 3 - Mafia Family Photo 2 - Mafia Family Photo 1 - Night Four: Picking Up the Pieces - Night Four: BOOOM! - Night Four: Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb - Night Four: Monologue - Night Four: No Shoving - Night Four: The Warlord - Night Four: WTF?! - Night Four: U.S. Army - 1 - Night Four: A Big Mistake - Night Four: Pole Vault - Night Four: Scorpions - Night Four: The Back Door - Night Four: Bad Feeling - Night Four: Meet Me - Night Four: Where is the2ndredbaron - Night Four: High Tensions - Day Four: Compromising - Night Three - Day Three: Overkill - Night Two: How? - Day Two: Not Dramatic - Night One: Late - Day One: Instalynched Term Six: Gooey Pink Hearts - The Flying Green Monkey has Donuts! - Waff's Poster - "Soldier on Hak!" - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 7 - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 6 - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 5 - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 4 - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 3 - The Flying Green Monkey's Story: Part 2 The Flying Green Monkey's Story - The Final Stand: Part 1 - Night Three: Total Slaughter - Total Domination - Kitty's Death - Day Three: Depressed Hak - Night Two: When Happy Killing Blobs Attack - Day Two: The Skerple - Hail to the Chief - Night One: Breaking In - Day One: Finally - Change is in the Air Term Five: Uccidere - Crocty for Mayor - 100 Pages! - Bobby for Mayor - The Cake Has Spoken - The Experience of Inexperience - Super Townie - Ochi's Problems - Gullas's Story: Part Three - Gullas's Story: Part Two - Gullas's Story: Part One Gullas's Story - Day Four: Needing Elbow Room - Night Three: Part Two - Night Three: Part One - ZOMBIES! - "I'm the Goddamn Batman" - Day Three: New Mayor - Confession - Night Two: Bring Out Your Dead - Day Two: Who Dun It? - Blitz Wuz Here - Suspect?! - Night One: Death Comes Quickly - Day One: Forgot about Daylight Savings Time - Ozone for Mayor - Crocty for Mayor - Kitty for pardoner - Day One: Hark Retires Term Four: Purple Polka Dot Ponies - How Hark Hides His Valuables - The Thief - "Huge Zit" - Night Five: Learning to Count - Days Four Through Five: In Four Panels - How it Feels to be a GM - Night Three: The GM Steps In - Day Three: Wrong But Right - Night Two: Things That Go Bump In The Night - Day Two: Didn't See That One Coming... - Night One: The Shadow Knows... - Day One From Another Perspective - Registration! - Day One: Elections - Godzilla is Over There - Vakanai is not Godzilla - Leaderofstars for Mayor - Hark For Mayor Term Three: Rainbow Toe Socks - Waff's Story - Night Three - Waff's Story - Night Two - Waff's Story - Night One - We Interupt Waff's Story to Bring You This Important Message! - Waff's Story - Day One Waff's Story - Ochi's Chart - Day Four - Do Not Anger Strange Voices From The Sky - Day Four - BOOM? - Day Four - How We Solve Delimas - Mafia II - Harkovast's Other Story - Night Three- F**K - Day Three - Taking Up the Slack - Night Two - "Utter Chaos" - Day Two - If It Worked Once... - Night One - What happened - Day One - And the Winner Is - Campaign Poster: Hakoshen for Mayor - Campaign Poster: Waff for Mayor - Campaign Poster: Niccea for Mayor - Day One - Beginning Anew Term Two: Pink Fluffy Bunnies - Ready To Roll - How I Did It Part 4 - How I Did It Part 3 - How I Did It Part 2 - How I Did It Part 1 How I Did It: A Godmother's Story - Day Eight - The End - Night Seven - Waiting... - Day Seven - The End? - Day Six - My Last Words - Night Five - My Turn - Day Five - Finally - Bobby the Butcher - "That's Not Normal" - Night Four - Were Clues Necessary? - Day Four - Who Are We Talking About? - Ody's "Brillant" Escape Plan - Townston by Odysseus - Night Three - The Strangest Kill Ever - Mafia: The Harkovast Story - Day Three - He got away? - Day Three - Confession? - Night Two - Aftermath - Day Two - The First Lynch - Night One - Aftermath - Seacowbie - Campaign Poster: Ozone for Mayor - Day One - Election - Prologue Term One: S.T.A.B. - Cover: Mafia Game Author notes Bring It Niccea on June 18, 2011 Zeph and OnlyFoolsAndVikings squared off at first. 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