The Golden Sun Struggle

GSS Mars 07

Author notes

GSS Mars 07


Sorry, this will sound very unreliable of me considering one of my recent tourneys but, again I failed to make the 4 comics I needed, so that means for a few weeks i'll have to put the end for the Mars match on hold as well as the other two

Sorry, but things got alot of busier for me and these comics take me a long ass time to make as mentioned (Planning, effects, lag, text, lag, Using to add more effects lag etc) Hell, it could even take up an hour to do it depending on how much fighting is in the comic

So yeah, sorry I have to cut off but my exams take more priority (and to mention all the other stuff i'm being forced to do) and comicing isn't high on the list.

too long didn't read version: Failed to make 4, continue it after exams, life got busy, exams are more important to me


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