The Golden Warrior

Enter: some random person.

Author notes

Enter: some random person.


Well… here it is! I hope people don't think that I'm trying to make the new guy look like a Native American, because I didn't mean it. Explanation:

I have been putting random other characters I have into the non-important parts that I need someone for. If I didn't, everyone but the main characters would look the same (which, I admit, would be hilarious) Only my close friends know about all of them XD. So, I used my 'darkness' spirit dude for this one, and surprise surprise, I didn't change his name (which you'll see in monday's comic). Those are crow/raven feathers in his hair to represent his job/personality/name.

oh, and I finally have a deviant art account!!! If anyone wants to check it out, I have the same username on

Well, Enjoy~!


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