The Hall Street File
- the picnics..
- justin smoking a bong that looks like cole while sitting on a throne made of adam
- Dinosaurs Attack! Zombies!! -soundtrack by Dick Dale
- bearsnackpizzamanMONSTER
- hangloosecleanerdrinkergunslingercameraknees
- neighbors: werewolf and dracula argue over an untrimmed tree
- 2 zombies sword fighting with their own body parts over a lasagna made of brains (3rd update)
- foamdomebottlerocketninjaturtle
- mutantbeastmasterhandfoot
- scumbagbozekchampskiier
- dodgeball! dead u.s. presidents vs. dead prez
- a very done up goth kid, 4 seconds before he/she shits their pants, on a miniature golf course
- jesus christ pulling a very dirty maneuver on satan in a game of hockey
- cole being "served" by mayor McCheese. in space.
- colehulkjigglesbawdylegs
- M.C. Battle: Batman vs. Abe Lincoln
- vampire, werewolf, frankenstein... at taco stand
- hulk hogan's reaction to hulk hogan moustaches becoming the hip new trend
- mercedescarebearhorrible
- stonedstonerbadguy
- jam session: ghost of george washington on guitar, 2pac on horn and jabba the hut on drums
- sesame street murder scene
- alienbadmotherdwarf
- wizardsharkrocketcock
- baptism gone awry
- cole in a hot dog suit, playing a drum mounted around his waist and dancing
- someone doing a trick on a skateboard, but the skateboard is a weiner dog
- an old alligator with a cane chasing a VERY old man with a cane
- person with leather bag face (from over tanning) purchasing leather goods
- justin riding a bull, drinking whiskey and shooting a gun in the air
- cyborg adam tearing it up on a surfboard while being chased by sharks
- Zeke in power metal stance fronting a death metal band
- the picnics..
- justin smoking a bong that looks like cole while sitting on a throne made of adam
- Dinosaurs Attack! Zombies!! -soundtrack by Dick Dale
- bearsnackpizzamanMONSTER
- hangloosecleanerdrinkergunslingercameraknees
- neighbors: werewolf and dracula argue over an untrimmed tree
- 2 zombies sword fighting with their own body parts over a lasagna made of brains (3rd update)
- foamdomebottlerocketninjaturtle
- mutantbeastmasterhandfoot
- scumbagbozekchampskiier
- dodgeball! dead u.s. presidents vs. dead prez
- a very done up goth kid, 4 seconds before he/she shits their pants, on a miniature golf course
- jesus christ pulling a very dirty maneuver on satan in a game of hockey
- cole being "served" by mayor McCheese. in space.
- colehulkjigglesbawdylegs
- M.C. Battle: Batman vs. Abe Lincoln
- vampire, werewolf, frankenstein... at taco stand
- hulk hogan's reaction to hulk hogan moustaches becoming the hip new trend
- mercedescarebearhorrible
- stonedstonerbadguy
- jam session: ghost of george washington on guitar, 2pac on horn and jabba the hut on drums
- sesame street murder scene
- alienbadmotherdwarf
- wizardsharkrocketcock
- baptism gone awry
- cole in a hot dog suit, playing a drum mounted around his waist and dancing
- someone doing a trick on a skateboard, but the skateboard is a weiner dog
- an old alligator with a cane chasing a VERY old man with a cane
- person with leather bag face (from over tanning) purchasing leather goods
- justin riding a bull, drinking whiskey and shooting a gun in the air
- cyborg adam tearing it up on a surfboard while being chased by sharks
- Zeke in power metal stance fronting a death metal band
Author notes
for an explaination of what these are, please go to the first page. the most recent update is marked on the menu if you've been here before. this one is a little different, but you can see how it works. everyone sees and interprets only what came previous to them. i don't know who did the writing, but the pictures are adam and justin. justin's is more terrifying the more you look at it.. i think the think with the sandwich in its mouthparts is patrick swayze..
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lincoln kicks people's asses
coinilius at
I remember mentioning this sort of art game earlier in the comments to this comic, I think :)