The Hans Bellmer School

Author notes

Chapter 1: The hell...?
lordquake666 onOk so it's been what… like a month? month and a half? since we last updated… yeah I'm completely sorry about that, things have been exceptionally hectic since both the artist and I have been working hard to figure out what's happening with our uni course. Thankfully we're now all enrolled and have now started university once again.
Anyway, That's besides the point. We are going to try and continue the story of the Hans Bellmer school, although we're still unsure as to how regular comic pages will be, I guess it'll just depend on how much we can get done in our highly theoretical uni course, and how much free time we get.
Either way, we'll try and add filler comics every time we cant post in a week, so yeah, hopefully you enjoy this page.
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