The Horrible Nocturnal Adventures of Vampire Dusk

Author notes

Rabid Muppet
phantasmagraph onYes, I am aware of the absurdity of creating a skit centered around music in a purely visual, two-dimensional medium. This is the beginning of small story arc involving Dusk trying to start a band, so it will be interesting to see how well this goes.
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I feel bad i haven't updated this comic in a while, especially since the next one is about half done.
Been super busy lately with film projects and starting a new job. I'd like to come back to this at some point, but don't hold your breath.
I will still try to make regular updates on Ravager Worm. i've slacked off on that one too, but i'm going to try and get back into a habit. If all goes well the next page will be up Fri/Sat.
phantasmagraph at
The next comic is gonna be a day or so late (not that i really ever came up with a fixed schedule). Sorry, i got sidetracked by other projects and then my friend bought and Xbox 360. Damn that magical machine of magical wonders damnit to hell.
phantasmagraph at
Christ that's big. I uploaded this strip from a different computer than i usually do, even after reducing the size it still came out larger than the original picture for some damn reason.
Ah well.