The House of Jirachi

Chapter One - Press Start

Author notes

Chapter One - Press Start


Yeah, I know I said I'd be updating on Fridays. But if I make everybody wait an entire week to look at a sketchy panel then I feel like a total cop-out. So chapter bookends, or any other extra information, will be put up on Tuesday. Because I'm soooo considerate like that.

So here's the chapter page for Chapter One, the picture being of the liberated castle mentioned in Glasses Man's journal back there. Yes, the building was made with uneven bricks. It drives at least one tenant insane…

Oh, and about the sketchiness. Um.
Whenever I drew pictures in the past, it's always occurred to me that while the lineart and coloring can look nice and shiny, the most fascinating part of the image - and the one closest to what the artist wanted to convey - was the sketch. This is probably because when you draw something you usually have a mental image of it, but it gets changed and edited on the transition from your brain to your paper. I think the sketch is closest to that original idea - the 'spirit' of the work, if you will - because the artist is putting down what he saw in his mind without any fine-tuning. Of course, sometimes it may look a little rough, but that tells the story just as well.

And that's why I got lazy and decided to make all the chapter covers sketches. :3 Don't worry, there will be end pages too, and they'll be much cuter.

Don't worry, all of this rambling about stuff being set up should be ending some time soon…


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