So I got all the pages for the first issue uploaded; that'll take us through February. And I'm a bit more than half-way finished (18/32 pages) with the inks on the second issue. Sweet. Provided I can keep doing about 6 pages a week, I'm puttin' my money on the whole thing bein' done by the end of January. That way I can scan in the second "chapter" before I run out of pages for the first. Wheee! It's a race! Yeah, "wheee" indeed. I fucking hate races- I definitely belong to the former category in the evolutionary conundrum of "fight or flight".
A tangent unrelated to this comic: So my ma's got a bunch of my stuff from way-back-when in a storage building in Kentucky. Every time I go see my folks, I try to take a couple boxes back. I figure by 2020 I might have that baby cleared out. Anyway, so the box I brought back from Thanksgiving ended up having old comics in it! I think most of the pre-1997ish stuff has either been lost, given away, or accidentally thrown out. So there was nothing from like, 20 years ago or anything. Well, except for… (wait for it)… "Guns 'n' Roses" comics! From, like, 1990! Scoooooooooooore!
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