The Hub

Author notes

"Fair Warning"
HyenaHell onWhoa. Two color pages in a row? Well, don't get used to it. Ya got months of scratchy black & white pages to look forward to.
Anyhow. This is my worm girl; she's not a "main character", but I like drawin' her.
The text on the TV set is a bit small, so here be a transcript:
Man: Dumb joke about sex, or cliche innuendo
Woman: "Witty" emasculating comeback
Title at bottom of set: "Another fat slob with hot wife show".
*:This is an "educated guess", as the author does not actually watch TV.
I explained in the notes for the first "Fair Warning" page why I made it; I've kept doin' them because they're fun, and I like breaking the 4th wall, no matter how much shit kenticlopx gives me. (That's playful teasin', by the way. No offense intended.)
@ lilu: Congrats on the feature! I knew it was comin' sooner or later! Everybody go check out Nicola and Belmondo. It's an absolutely lovely comic, with amazing pattern and line work and superb character design. And the goddamned cutest dog you ever did see.
@ Custard Trout: Ha. S'true.
@ mbloom: There's actually a reference to that particular scene in Ch. 6 or 7. ;) And yeah- I refuse to acknowledge those other 3 movies as actual Star Wars movies. In fact, they pretty much ruined the entire franchise for me.
@ patrickdevine: Mostly the disapproving comments about "degrading women" come from middle-aged and older ladies; and usually when I've got a (male) buddy watchin' over my table or booth, or printin' my stuff for me at conferences and whatnot. It's mostly an "OMG! Violence against womyn! No!" type thing. One lady who flipped out on my buddy over a naked chick with knives stickin' out of her (that she thought he'd made) ended up buying the print after she found out a woman had made it. People are weird.
@ pinkbatmax: I'd venture to say almost everyone in this comic is in dire need of a serious ass-beatin'. Or at least a good smack upside the head.
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