The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 3
HyenaHell on[ridiculously long notes]
Why, hello my good frie-GO READ MY INTERVIEW NOW! NOW! NOW!
Heh. Naw. But for serious- go check it out if you have a minute: threeeyeswurm asks the hard questions! Yers truly answers! There be pictures of my ugly mug, and a couple of my prints!
Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled commentary, eh?
That'd be boob joke #1. Yeah, that's right. We're countin'. And whataya know- some new faces! Huzzah! See? I do have female characters after all.
Ya might've noticed I've got a few adverts up here and there. Yeah, I figured it was about time to take one more step towards the general direction of world domination by means of my scratchy little comic, here. Which leads me t' this: I'm terrible at html. You're good at it. Hows about we make a deal? There's a couple things I wanna put up on "The Hub"- small linky-links, a couple ads, some stat trackin' stuff. But I can't do it myself (rather- I can't be arsed t' learn how). I don't want nothin' fancy- I like the bare-bones, simple-ass layout I've got currently.
If you're willing to help out, I'll add you as an assistin'-type person, you can do your magic, and I'll send you some art in the mail. Or do some fan art for ya. Whatever you want, so long as it ain't money. Any takers? PQ me if you're interested.
@REGULARS!: I ain't thanked all y'all recently for your support, comments, and general bad-assedness. So here's me doin' that now!
@NEW FOLKS!: Thanks for stoppin' by! And for any and all of you who stumbled upon us through them aforementioned adverts- glad t' have ya here! Hope everyone decides to stick around. Like I been sayin'- it only gets better from here on out. No, really. It does: more absurdity, a sprawlin' cast of fucked-up characters, and the tasteless humor you've come to know and love.
@Rickswan: If ya wanna get technical, you were comment #308. ;)
@Anise: I do make a xerox, DIY zine-styled version of "The Hub". I don't have the 2nd issue printed yet, on account of lack of funds. I'm-a wait until I get through the 4th chapter to do the Lulu thing, though.
@katfeete: Crumb is like a god to me. Wait, no- like God. *The* God. With a capital "g". ;) And- Oh, good! I'm glad at least *some* my PW adverts are endin' up on sites like yours! Before I tweaked my preferences, it was on a live action Sailor Moon fangirl site, and some creepy family-oriented Christian site. Ha!
@Josh: Well, *I* think Pete's interesting. ;) It'll just take a lot longer to get to know him- he's not exactly the nice guy he'd like you to think he is. Pete's got a kinda messed-up backstory too, which you'll find out pretty soon. He and Cal were the first Hub characters I created (Cutter doesn't count, because he existed before; he's been around for somethin' like 12 years- the second t' oldest character that makes an appearance in the comic). But yeah, Petey was pretty boring and one-dimensional at fist. I ended up totally reworking him, and now I like him as good as the rest of the lot. One of these days I might post the original character designs for everybody, although it might get kind of embarrassing with the older guys- I draw way better now than I did at 15, obviously. Cal's the only one that hasn't changed, like, at all.
&@Angel: I'm glad somebody other than me digs him, too. :D
@Fly Hue: Well, I reckon you could call it "contempt"; I think of it more as a realistic assessment of their worth as human beings. A lot of my friends in what we'll call the "real world" aren't necessarily good people. But they're all interesting people, and I appreciate having 'em in my life- even if I wouldn't trust 'em as far as I could throw 'em, or don't approve of the way they conduct themselves. But then again, I'd like to think folks cut me some slack, too.
@taradaga: Yeah, I'm thinkin' Pete might end up regretting this one.
@madisonchance: I'll pour ya a drink (or ten!)- Ya like whiskey, right?
[/ridiculously long notes]
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