The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 5
HyenaHell onFACK.
I wrote up a bunch of notes, which DD saw fit to eat. Eh, well. I'll just let this page speak fer itself, for once.
Plug #1: So my interview with Drasnus of Lacerated Veil is up! "Oh, for fuck's sake- another interview?", you say. "Why the hell should I care?", you ask. Because it's in COMIC FORM! Go check it out!
Plug #2: Wow! Bella Nightshade wrote a review of "The Hub" on her comic reviewin' blog! Go check out her own comic, Southern Comfort. Much like other comics you may enjoy readin', it's got scumbag characters, drinkin', and boobs.
FYI: In New Orleans, you *can* buy whiskey at the grocery; and the gas station; and the pharmacy; at any hour of the day or night, and on every day of the year. And ya wonder why I miss the place. Psht.
@tommym: Worry not abouts your memory, my friend- I haven't revealed her name yet. ;) I don't know why I'm so weird about givin' stuff away before it appears in the comic.
@Josh: Oh yeah. I've done the dumpster divin' thing. I think we've discussed out mutual love for "Metalacolypse" before, right? Damn, my life is a goddamned husk of a sorry existence until that show comes back on; and "Venture Brothers"; and "Drinky Crow" (Please Lord, gimme another season o' that one. It's like me in crow form). Yeah, I pretty much just watch cartoons, okay? Real People TV is fer chumps.
@repoman: Anything described as "One-Eyed" is gonna draw a perverted snicker from me. ;)
@ShinuZero: I actually think I do the color pages in a bit less time than it takes to do the regular ones. The tarot card was smaller- 7x14" I think- and took about 6 hours (not countin' about 3 for the drawin'/design). Usually a full cover's about 8 hours. The B & W pages (as I've said before) take anywhere from 8-16 hours- probably 12 average. Blech. And I wonder why I gots the arthritis.
@Ag: Cups was really the *only* choice, here. ;)
@Fly_Hue: Heh. It's actually kinda a compliment if folks get wrapped up in the story and don't really notice the art so much. Sounds weird, but I feel the same way about comics as I do design- the art should be eye-catchin', but at the same time, shouldn't overpower the "message". Tha's what I try to do, anyhow.
@PIT_FACE: Thanks! I try above pretty much all else to make characters that folks like. Naw, scratch that. That *I* like. But I hope y'all do too. ;)
@taradaga: you should totally do the tarot thing. It was a lot o' fun!
@zaymac: New England fuckin' baffles me, man. You can drive across a state in like, an hour (or 15 minutes, if it's Deleware). And major cities are like, an hour away from each other. @_@
@madisonchance: Ha! Awesome! I need t' get you to write me a summary or somethin'- you say the bestest things about the comic!
@dotdotdot: When I'm in a certain kind of "ornery" and irritable mood, I refer to it by sayin' "I'm on the whiskey and hard-boiled egg diet". Which is a reference t' that particular character, that no one really gets but me. ;)
@Wordweaver: And heroin in the OJ? Or was it the other way around? (me = Simpsons nerd.) Semi-related anecdote: back in my college days, I had a roomie- drop-dead gorgeous Greek chick- who'd put vodka in her cereal every morning. And I'd put Wild Turkey in my coffee. And then we'd go to class. Fun times. We lived in the women's dorm too- which is neither her nor there, but kinda makes it even funnier somehow.
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