The Hub

Issue 2 - Pg. 6

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 6


"Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are". That's the quote, ain't it? Cutter was gonna say, "Lettuce ain't a food". And it's not. Also: in case ya can't read 'em- the cans are labeled "Oyster Kraut".

Okay. So some of the things that I write are inspired by or loosely based on “real life” experiences, just blown up to absurd proportions. Certain characters are composites of different traits, quirks, and habits of myself, and folks I know or have observed in real life. But these characters aren't meant to be “real” people. Well… okay. I lie.

I don't do this often, but “Karna” *is* a real person. She was a regular at the bar I used to work at. Karna is in fact her real name. I drew her as kinda a grotesque version of how she looked in real life. Cal's description of her, likewise, is not a fabrication, nor is it exaggerated in any way.
FYI: Drugs ain't illegal here. There's some of the regular ones, and a bunch I made up. Strangely, there is no marijuana in "The Hub".
RE: What do them drugs do? They're all hallucinogens. You'll find out (much later) about the Future Dust. The Oracle Root is yer typical hippy "vision quest" stuff; lots of riddles and absurdly cryptic visions which may or may not be accurate or have any substance to 'em. To be completely honest, I never thought up what "Powdered Homicide" was; I just pulled it out my ass, so to speak. So if anybody's got a good idea… ;)
@Fly_Hue: Dude, that hat store is a fucking asshole!
@Fenn & zaymac: Ha. I did base him off The Tall Man- I never thought the Phantasm movies were *good*, but they *are* awesome. And goddamn if I haven't seen them *all*.
@ Josh & PIT_FACE:

And I *have* seen Super Jail, but I don't think I've seen enough of it to really get into it; my partner loves it, though.
@ Ag: Street scenes are probably my favorite to draw- I probably have as many concept sketches of "cool stuff I want in the background!" as I do characters. ;)
@patrickdevine: Heh. Yeah, he had a pretty good head-start before he wound up in the Hub, though.
@rickswan: Heh. No ADHD, that I know of. Which is good, I really don't need any more, er- mental issues. Although I would like an Aderol script- I hear that stuff is brilliant.


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  • threeeyeswurm at

    That dripping egg carton is pretty disgusting…..

  • Orin J Master at

    lettuce isn't food, it's a fucking garnish. you put a bowl of it next to your steak to appreciate how good the steak is.

  • joshof13thfloor at

    Each and every time I see him I just keep on thinking "what's the story behind the scar? WHAT?!?"

    Excellent page.

  • HyenaHell at

    By the way, I gots incentives fer votin' now. Click right above the comments t' do just that.

  • mbloom at

    Holly hell she eats like a Wisconsinite. People eat ranch with everything here, it's fucking weird.

    Powdered Homicide sounds like a heavy metal bulking supplement to me. If Glen Danzig stirred a spoonful into his glass of raw eggs every mourning for breakfast, I would not be surprised.
    (Ya know, just to give his muscles that extra 'umph for when he's trimming the hedges, shirtless, later. God knows that's about as heavy metal as he gets these days. )

  • tommym at

    Dear Hyena,
    I am surprised to see Calamity get up tight,this woman Karna must be a real piece of work .I am just dying to meet her. As goes Powered Homicide If you snort it, it hits you in about 20 -30 minutes you catch a super angry attitude and want to kill or destory the first thing or person that pisses you off. It could be a person a TV ,a Keyboard , a car a book a webcomic ,anything.
    If you slip it in someone's drink it hits them in about 1 1/2 hours.

  • AurumAurelius at

    Love your comic! And its great to have such an amazing artist eatching my comic!

  • Fly Hue at

    Hairspray knows no compromise. >(

  • dotdotdot at

    LOL! I used to hate running into my regulars in public! Awesome… as always!

  • Aghammer at

    HAHA.. awesome. oyster kraut… ewwww… karma's a cool name but not a cool person..ha.

  • Ryuthehedgewolf at

    You's got some 'mazin artwork heeeree :]]

  • Avie at

    Haha less hairspray ? NAH.

  • Jonko at

    His eggs are leaking!!! Anyway, I think it's cool that you've added some people you knew in real life to your comic. Makes it more natural. Keep up the good work!

  • Moondog at

    If there really was a drug called 'powdered homicide' people would snort it anyways. I knew a guy that snorted crushed up tylenol whenever he had a headache. Some people will snort anything if they're told it's a drug.

  • repoman at

    Great hiding place. No one will ever look behind the canned oyster kraut.

  • Peipei at

    lol xD spinach in her teeth xD. Thats worst than having cranberry stuck in teeth :s. Yeah, by the way she describes Karna, i'd be laying low too…or high depending on the location :p.

  • taradaga at

    Love this page!! I especially love Calamity on this page, her facial expressions are BITCHING.

    And no one had best look at what I eat, it's pretty boring, so that must mean I am as well, boo hoo.

  • Doctor Shadow at


  • ShinuZero at

    Haha, spinach in teeth is always annoying. There are a lot of things people do that make me wanna stab someone. I hate listening to people eat, it drives me crazy. I'm so glad most restaurants play music…

  • madisonchance at

    Bacon, lettuce, and ranch dressing? Holy Toledo, we're on the same diet!

  • Fenn at

    Everything's better with ranch dressing. I think I could survive in that crazy world, although you couldn't pay me enough to try Oyster Kraut. :P

    Powered Homicide sounds like it would give the user violent visions, either of his/her own demise or of violence against those he knows or dislikes.

  • patrickdevine at

    Oyster Kraut… yum?
    This Karna person– having someone make a drink 12 times? I don't get it!
    As an idea for what Powdered Homicide does, did you ever see that one Putrid Meat Story arc when Bones gets rabies and starts hallucinating? When I heard the name Powdered Homicide I pretty much thought of that.

  • Wordweaver_three at

    Phantasm movies were awesome! When I was in HS I was watching the first move with a girl I was dating at the time. I had seen it before, but she hadn't, so when I knew one of the scariest moments of the movie was about to come up, I reached around and grabbed her by the shoulder. She literally jumped right into my lap! I only wish she hadn't pissed herself at the same time.

    Ooh, ranch dressing! This world ain't so bad after all!

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