The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 7
HyenaHell onNaw, Vic. Vampires suck. Werewolves like, maul, or something.
Notice that you can now vote fer "The Hub" on TWC? So if ya have a minute… ya know. I gots incentives, y'all. Woot.
And CONGRATS! to zaymac for the feature! If you ain't been readin' Bear vs. Zombies… Go do it. Now. Chop chop. It's fuckin' cool. >:D
Wordweaver: Uh… tell me that ain't a true story, bro. ;)
patrickdevine: Ha! Maybe if I ever have a close-up of the Powdered Homicide, I oughta put Bones' face on it. (With PIT_FACE's approval, that is.)
@Fenn: Heh. I get those kinda visions *without* the drugs. ;)
@taradaga: Not as boring as my foods, I'll tell ya that. Pretty much alls I eat = eggs, and cereal with cottage cheese, bananas, and avacados. Fer real. It's sad.
@ repoman: Or… would they? ;)
@Moondog: It's really the way to go, up the nose. Or so I'm told- all my buddies that do that thing crush up the pills as opposed to swallowing 'em; apparently it's faster. But para mi- I'm unflinchingly monogamous with my booze.
@Jonko: The leaking eggs are totally my favorite thing about this page. Glad somebody caught that!
@Avie $ Fly_Hue: I'm of the opinion that there ain't no such thing as too much hairspray. But then again, under the right conditions, I can get my hair up to a foot tall, Bride o' Frankie style. ;)
@ Ag: The real Karna = totally uncool.
@ dotdotdot: Well, some of 'em were my buddies, and I didn't mind. (Every time I go home to visit, I will *still* always run in to some drunk or another at the grocery.) But some I totally ducked; they didn't get that yer bartending self and non-bartending self weren't the same guy, ya know?
@ tommym: Heh. Again, I think I get those kinda effects from, ya know, life. No PH required! ;)
@mbloom: I weep for Danzig, I really do. The man's such a fuckin' joke these days.
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