The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 8
HyenaHell onThis week: New incentive what fer votin'. A kinda promo comic I made. We'll call it, "Buy my snake oil!"
Karna is proof that all my women ain't so well… uh, "endowed". Just most of 'em. Sorry, I'm a sleazebag like that.
@tommym: Hm, if that werewolf problem was *completely* taken care of, would I have mentioned it? *grin*
@tsameti: Smoking ban? Oh, Lawd no! Not here! At the university in the town where I live, they have a "can't smoke 20 ft. from the door" rule; so they moved all the ashtrays back 20 ft. Which just means that now there's now piles o' butts in front of every door.
@Freegurt: Pete's other neighbors are "The Slug King" and "Ivalid Wife". Which were actual neighbors I had when I lived in the complex that Petey's is based off. Every morning, slugs would crawl out from underneath their door; and the wife got carted off in an ambulance once a month, mysteriously- they had to take her out the emergency exit in back because she was… large. The Slug King himself worked at the hot sauce factory, and never said a word to me the whole time I lived there. There was also Slava, the gay, alcoholic, Russian mail-order husband. He painted murals in local restaraunts for a livin'. I swear, you can't make this shit up.
@Josh: It was not a Red Green joke, that I was aware of. Sorry to disappoint! Sometimes I honestly don't know where these jokes come from, though. I seriously can't remember writing them. Hm. But I totally wish I would've known 17-year old you. ;)
@zaymac: It might've gotten confusing if bear was fighting werewolves, though. RE: Shawshank Redemption- Heh. No resemblance save the name. But- God, I have seen that movie a million times. Not even because I wanted to. It's on like, TNT or whatever every other weekend.
@mbloom: Heh. "Werewolves happen". >:D
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