The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 9
HyenaHell onNew vote incentive. Couple little "inkin' tests" I did 'fore I started the roundabouts-two-month-long process of inkin' an issue.
About that: Usually since I do 'bout a month and a half on just the pencils, I wanna make sure I ain't too rusty with the inks. The first page of every issue, nonetheless, looks kinda crap to me. Ah well. The cover I usually do lastly of all. S'my least favorite part.
My two best friends (a guy and a girl, respectively)- everyone thinks I'm dating 'em if they meet th' two of us together. It's slightly hilarious, but also cringe-inducing.
Also: I fuckin' love the expressions in panel 5. Not often I out-and-out give myself props all blatant-like, but dude- I don't think I could've done that one better. >:D
@mbloom: Heh. Again, I'm glad folks noticed that busted egg sequence. One of my favorite parts of the grocery scenes.
@madisonchance: I'm pretty sure the real Karna had an eating disorder- this was widely speculated on by us barfolk. My theory was the spinach was always in her teeth because she was bulimic. Hm.
@dotdotdot: The ventiloquist… well, maybe that'll come up again. Or maybe he's makin' that shit up to fuck with her. Never can tell with Cutter, really.
@zaymac: Heh. Gross, huh? ;)
@PIT_FACE: Heh! Your comment made me do that "LOLZ!" thing. ;)
@Ag: Yeah, Cal ain't too pleased with havin' Karna's attention redirected back to her!
@wildcard: I love drawing all the creepy, weird, monstery folk! One o' the many benifits of constructin' your own world, eh? ;)
@machinehead: They're the creepiest of the vaudevillian entertainers, that's fer sure! Worse than clown- which are just icky in that "potential molester/ serial killer" kinda way. Ventriloquists have more of… I dunno, an occult connotation? Or maybes I just watched that old episode of Twilight Zone waaaaay too many times as a kid.
AurumAurelius: Heh. She'll pop up every now and again. ;)
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