The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 11
HyenaHell onNew incentive: Another grayscale sketch of an "as of yet to appear" character. This time? There's boobs. The button what'll take ya there be down under my long-ass commentin' in the "notes" box right here.
*Sigh* Ai'ght. Prepare thyselves fer some looong-ass commentin'.
If ya don't know Mojo Nixon, then yer store could use some fixin'!
I try not to throw in overt references/ lyrics/ mention repeatedly the musics that I likes. It think it can be alienating for folks what don't know/ care what the hell I'm talkin' about. But I can't help it that Victor does it. It's kinda his thing, ya know? Those lyrics are some of the more, er, printable ones from that song. Another brilliant line from the same tune: "Ya only live once, so off with them pants!/ Hell ain't fer sure, it's only a chance!"
If ya *do* like overt references and jokes about punk/indie bands in yer comics, by the way, check out mbloom's Noise Pollution. Because there ain't nearly enough comics with them kinda jokes, in my opinion. Plus, I really dig the way he makes super-cartoony characters be so fuckin' expressive.
RE: Squiddy goodness- Squid's actual among my favorite foods; shame ya can't buy it to cook outside of like, China Town. But I ain't sure I'd trust myself to do it right even if I could. I think I like it in sushi form best, although I've had some kick-ass Thai squid in my day. Not a huge fan of calamari most o' the time, as it's usually over-breaded and over-fried (as all fried seafood tends to be) and ya can't hardly taste the squid. But if it's done right, then… hells yeah.
@kmajor: Heh. Yeah, dude's big! But I had fun drawin' him, on account of I got to actually draw muscles. Most of my characters… eh, not so ripped. Also: goddamnit, Hentai has ruined tentacles for everyone. Damn that Japanese taboo against showin' a proper penis!
@patrickdevine: Yup, "Oyster Kraut" makes another appearance. For the record, I have no idea what you'd eat that with; maybe some kind of Reuben from Hell?
@Custard Trout: Heh. Bathe? Regularly? Tha's fer chumps, man! ;) And "This is cereal!" is my favorite brand name to date.
@Stevarooni & Ag: Yeah, I doubt anyone would notice unless ya use a knife like that every day, but in my experience, there's always somebody who's a fucking expert on every goddamned thing I draw wrong, so I'm hyper-sensitive about that crap. ;)
@taradaga: Yup, it is what is says. Unlike the perennial disappointment "Count Chocula". Definitely *not* the evil occult delicacy I wish it was. I dunno if you've ever seen "Repo Man" (everyone should!) but all their products are packaged with white labels that just say "BEER", "CHIPS", etc. I always liked that. >:)
@cyberdog: Yah, it's all hand-lettered. For my "Next Big Comic Project!", I'm-a get a font made based off my hand-writin', but for "The Hub" I thought it'd look better if I did it myself.
@darkwaterfrey: Dude, don't even act like your comic isn't ten kinds of bad-ass, okay? ;)
@Drasnus: Yay! Glad ya stopped by!
@Tommym: Well, Vic *does* freak out on occasion… I find his hierarchy of "things that make me made" to be fairly hilarious, though.
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