The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 12
HyenaHell onNew incentive: See the startling transformation between "layout page" and "finished page"!
Just wonderin'- it's round abouts time for me to be makin' new incentives; I've got a couple I'm workin' on, but is there anything you'd like t' see? Lemme know. :D
Oh yeah: For folks what asked about that song: "Tie My Pecker to My Leg"- I found it on Rhapsody. So if'n ya can listen to it there, here it is. (#122) There's video's on YouTube, but ya can't understand the lyrics as well. Warning: it's extrememly… yeah. Ya wouldn't want yer Mom t' hear it.
@tommym: Fannie's another one of my "unreliable narrator" characters; she's got several different stories about how she died, one of them indeed being murder. But that doesn't come up 'til issue 5, and I don't want to spoil anything.
@Ag: Heh. "Too far", eh? Gonna have to make a note to myself to go farther next time. *joke*
@wildcard: I worked in a sculpture studio once that really was haunted. A guy died in there, and… it was creepy, s'all I'm sayin'.
@patrickdevine: Heh. One of my favorite parts of "Watchmen" (the comic; ain't seen the film yet) is the Iggy Pop and Bob Dylan lyrics- both from one of my favorite songs by both artists ( respectively "Neighborhood Threat" and "Desolation Row"). Yeah, I try an' stop short of titling art/ comic chapters after songs/ lyrics, though. Although my comic idol, Drew Hayes did it. And I'm sure some others have. But sometimes it reads as a rip-off instead of a homage, particularly if ya ain't a fan of said band.
@darkwaterfrey: Well, I kinda cheat; almost every environment in the Hub is based off somewhere I've lived, frequented, or walked by every day at some point in my life. Except the strip club; that's a complete fabrication of my imagination… I swear!
@repoman: I remember when I was drawin' this one, I was like- "Oh, this is a really plain background! It'll go fast!" *wrong* ;) Although I kinda crapped out in those last 3; I do that a lot up until Ch. 3, where I decided to finally man up and do a full background for *every* panel. Details, people. I'm obsessed with 'em.
@Drasnus: Me too. I've made two or three prints that were self-portraits of me in haunted bathrooms. No idea what that's about.
@Peipei: Ha! Didn't think about Harry while I was doin' it, but now that you said it…
@taradaga: For some reason, I do love drawin' her all translucent. It did take me forever to figure out how t' differentiate the ghosts from the real people in the Hub.
@Wordweaver: Maybe later. >:)
@Custard Trout: Eh, the kid was probably askin' for it.
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