The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Pg. 13
HyenaHell onNew incentive: 'Cause I totally admit that the last one was El Lame-o, here's a nice little pen 'n' ink drawin' of one more "as of yet to appear" character. She's another one that's been around for at least 10 years.
And here's the first appearance of the much-hated truck. I've said before that I gots serious issues with any kind of “technical†drawing- machinery in general; vehicles and guns specifically. I based this off a 1951 Ford F-100. Some of the details ain't consistent throughout the panels- specifically where the cab meets the bed; and some parts get moved around from where they'd be on a real F-100, because aesthetically it looked better/ more balanced to draw it the “wrong†way. Also the scale of the truck in comparison t' the characters seems to vary pretty wildly. It does get better in later pages, and in the 3rd Chapter. But for now- it is what is it is, folks.
RE: "hot, hot ghost lady lovin'" (as amanda hilariously put it)- probably not gonna happen, on account of ghosts in the Hub can't actually physically touch people; they'd just like, pass through 'em. They can pick up inanimate objects, and make blood come out your shower head or shit like that, though. That ain't relevant until later, though. The "hallucinations" (like that monkey from way back from like, page 2) play by a different set of rules, but that ain't relevant 'til later, either.
@Ryu: Heh, yeah- I told you guys Vic does occasionally freak out. ;)
@Drasnus: I dunno, talking in the bathroom creeps me out. I can't even talk on the phone while I'm takin' a piss.
@Ag: I'm much more inclined to do the female nudity than male; unfortunately it's more… eh, "acceptable"? Showin' cock tends to push you into the "adult" category in most cases, which ain't a ghetto I want to be in. Not with this comic, at least. ;) I do try not to do shameless "for no reason!" nudity… but if it makes sense, then bring it on, right? I'm also not a "panty-shot" fan, but I end up havin' more of those than I'd like, because of Cal's miniskirt. From personal experience, sometimes there's just no avoidin' it. Especially if ya ain't prone to ladylike behavior.
@darkwaterfrey: Oh, say the word and it's on. ;) Surreal black and white comic showdown! $5 at the door! Leave the women and children at home!
@zaymac: The… horror. The horror!
@mbloom: Heh. Reach-around action.
@ShinuZero: Yeah, panel four's my favorite. :D It's another one of those, "Wow, I got one right!" drawings. Unlike this page, what with the truck. Grr, the truck…
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