The Hub

Author notes

Ch. 2 - Pg. 14
HyenaHell onIncentive: A little thank you *coughfanservicecoughcough* t' all my loyal readers for yer continued support! >;D
And jus' puttin' this out there- as we grow closer to comment #666… hell, I gotta do somethin' for that one. \m/ So whosoever makes that comment of the beast gets a guest strip or fanart fer their comic! If ya don't have a comic? Er, we'll talk, I guess. ;) Since I highly doubt that anyone's that desperate to be… "the one", I reckon I ain't gotta say "don't be an asshole and post like, ten comments in a row".
Also: one of my favorite comicker blogs- Comic Tools- posted this really awesome tutorial on drawing the human figure- I thought some of y'all might find it useful, so I'm postin' it here. It's pretty much exactly how I construct my figures, and how I teach my students, so of course *I* endorse it. The blog itself is a veritable motherfuckenload of good tips, advice, links, etc.- especially for them among us workin' traditional.
It ain't that Cal has any interest in Vic. Cutter's just a fucking asshole, who says that kinda stuff for the sole purpose of pissin' people off. I wouldn't make anything of it.
@Peipei: Well, I was never *bored* so much as it got really… "negative" to always be seeing people at their worst. I've taken a 3 year haitus from slingin' booze, though, so I think I'm good to go back to it for a couple years. Which I'm plannin' on doin' when I move.
@madisonchance: Heh. Yeah. That happened to me when my clients found a blog I had online, and would come in and be like, "What, you hate us?" Naw, I just gotta rant somewheres! Also, yeah. I kinda do hate y'all. ;)
@Ag: Oh, you're not a prude! You have no idea how happy I was to "get out of the bar". Sheesh. ;)
@zaymac: I promised myself- no more of this truck! Not for a long time! Guess what kept poppin' up in Issue #3? Ick.
@Drasnus: It does say "TRUCK". But knowin' this comic, it could as easily have said "FUCK".
@Niccea: It *is* a lucky rabbit's foot. :D
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