The Hub

Author notes

Ch. 2 - Pg. 15
HyenaHell onIncentive: Bwa! Cannibal nuns!
Oh shit- guess where they're goin'? Apparently Petey just can't get out of the sex industry.
RE: Beerguts: Well, she does have a bit of a belly. But it ain't altogether unappealing. Like I said, Cutter's just bein' an ass- and honestly ain't got too much room to talk there; pot(belly) callin' the kettle black and whatnot. And fer the most part, almost all my characters have beer guts. ;)
@threeyeswurm: Puke! Hells nah. I don't mind tellin' y'all right now- they don't hook up. Ever. Fuck a bunch of that shit. In my opinion, that's like, the quickest way t' ruin a fuckin' story is to throw in some "relationship" drama between main characters.
@tommym: Yeah, ya hit that one on the head; if I were cooped up in that bar with the same damn people day after day, I'd pretty much jump on the chance t' talk to anyone new! And yeah, Cutter ain't got no room to criticize anyone. ;)
@machinehead: Well, unfortunately he never heard about any of the Imus fiasco. I never figured out if that mess was on account of the racial connotations of the word "nappy", or 'cause he was sayin' they had bad hair. Ya don't tell chicks they got bad hair any more than ya tell 'em they're fat. ;)
@dotdotdot: It's the bartending thing. Imbues ya with patience, it does. Or maybe she ain't as much of a hardass as she'd have ya think.
@Ryu: Eeeeeeeh notsomuch. ;)
@theorah: Oh, totally. The only reason I ever talk to anyone is on account of wantin' to get in their pants, after all. Right?
@gravekeeper: I warned you guys in the last comments about the poorly-rendered truck! The proportions are totally inconsistent and wonky. >;) I swear I do get better at it. Not good, but better.
@ttyler: Gawd do I love remindin' folks of Crumb. It's like, my life goal. That's probably the most flatterin' thing anyone could say to me. If this weren't the internet, I'd be blushin'. :D
@Niccea: Oh, it gets worse. Dude don't know when to quit… or rather, doesn't care, I guess would be more accurate.
@Josh: I'm not gonna pretend that the worst characteristics of these guys ain't comin' from a true little place inside my black, black heart. ;) But I'm of the opinion that assholes and idiots and whatnot are way more fun to write (or read)… I doubt I could ever make a story where the main characters aren't self-centered jerks, or incredibly flawed. Good people just aren't interestin' to me.
@Peipei: There's some things you just ought not speak your mind about… ;)
@taradaga: She's cute when she's mad? ;)
@Trout: Huh? The other kind of- oooh, yeah. That! Uh… maybe for 100K? It'd only be fair, right? I'd like t' think I'm an equal opportunity sleazemonger.
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Login or Registerjoshof13thfloor at
Titty bar! FUCK YEAH!!!*goes to make change*
And for the record, a little belly on a woman is sexy as all fuck. I am, after all, a Frazetta man.
mbloom at
I'm afraid to find out what he does there. Although I'm sure I already know the answer. Victors going to be very disappointed, isn't he.?
tommym at
Dear Hyena,
Amanda is right! Pete is one of the strippers and he gives lap dances, whatever that would be like in a place like that heaven only knows.Hope Calamity's friend is there .Squid still looks alive.Victor is going to freak!
amanda at
Ha, I bet poor Pete's one of the strippers ^.^
ShinuZero at
megan_rose at
I am liking this comic! Why didn't I click that link sooner? Lovely art and just the kind of story I love.
Kristen Gudsnuk at
re: harkovast's comment: whatever it is, it's going to royally screw up our ideas of sexuality. "No, not a man with 'feelings,' I need a man with feelers."
Kristen Gudsnuk at
lol @ cannibal nuns… let's see them nekkid @ the strip club!
Kristen Gudsnuk at
yeahh strip club! I wonder what other kinds of disturbing creatures in scanty outfits you can cook up. ;)
dotdotdot at
"A friend in need is a friend indeed… A friend with weed is better…" -from a band called "Plecebo"…. But I dare say that a friend that works at a strip clubs takes the cake!!!
Wordweaver_three at
Vast! Quit being such a prude! That's the kinda stuff we're all into.
That's the kinda stuff I'm into.
Peipei at
Lmao xD!!! I have a feeling that the strip club isn't gonna be how he pictures it :p.
tsameti at
Man… after seeing some of the oddness about town, I think I'd think twice about seeing what the Underbelly might be offering.
There are some things you just can't unsee.
harkovast at
I don't want to rain on everyone parade but the strippers are all going to be giant locusts or mutant bats with six legs or talking tables dancing on one bulbous deformed foot…
Brace yourself for something astoundingly unsexy!
Fly Hue at
I think that is the biggest smile I have seen on his face since this comic began.
Aghammer at
Very nice… I feel for Petey… he's an awesome guy to put up with all the shit. Food in this land = ewww… and no TV??? He ended up in HELL??? HAHA.
Custard Trout at
I can't help but think that you're going to take my previous comment the wrong way on purpose.
kmajor at
Geeze, just be a man and eat the tentacle. Vic's excited pervy kid at Christmas face in the last panel cracks me up.
patrickdevine at
Is Pete a stripper then?
Ryuthehedgewolf at
Lmao. I would totally feel the same way.
Drasnus at
They have similar tastes in clothes I see.
darkwaterfrey at
Uh-oh…it's about to get even more weird, isn't it?
Stevarooni at
A couple of centuries? Poor ghost! Forget an exercism, she needs a personal, spiritual massager!
Doctor Shadow at
The Underbelly is an awesome name for a Strip Club!
stubblemonkey at
A little bit of saffron and rice and that squid would be just nice. I'm worried about the Udderbelly, could it be the kind of place Excentrica Golumbits would have worked?