The Hub

Author notes

Issue 2 - Page 20
HyenaHell onIncentive: Another insane sketchbook page. This one's more picture-diary style, about… well, actually bein' insane, and careless docs prescribin' me meds that damn near killed me. It's colorful, though. And still cartoony.
I have no idea what the incentive was on Saturday. If it was the dumb comic I made for my cross-dressin' buddy about how to put on liquid eyeliner… uh, sorry. I uploaded some "emergency" incentives in case I didn't have time/wherewithal to post decent ones. x_X And at time o' press, I have drawed up some new ones, I just ain't got access to a scanner or camera.
A'ght. Apologies for the lack o' responses on Saturday. Internet access is spotty. I did get a spiffy new phone though, so I'm-a try to post 'em on that in the near future.
And one more thing: the tattooed stripper is a cameo- her name is Ky'leena; she's a character created by an ex (who's still a good friend o' mine). Another one of his characters appears later, and has a much bigger role in The Hub's story. I kinda stole her I guess- with his permission, of course. A picture I drew of her was an incentive a whiles back- she'd be the elf chick with the huge tits. He was (and is) big on tits. As am I, obviously. If I can ever find his original drawings of either of them two ladies, I'll share 'em with y'all.
@ Peipei: Cash is king, after all.
@ PIT_FACE: Heh. Well, that luck ain't resulting in much. ;)
@ Ag: Well, there was Fannie the ghost.
@ Stubblemonkey: Aw! I don't mind at all- I'm flattered! I need to fuckin' favorite SDI- I remember I dug it when you posted it in the HeLWID forum, but I only remember to check up on it when I see it on the recently updated page. Because I'm a dumbass. :(
@ Drasnus: C'mon, how the hell are you gettin' into strip clubs, son? ;) Scotland must have some pretty lenient views on the "underage thing".
@ The Gravekeeper: Do it, and video tape their reaction. Then sell it to FOX. Considerin' some of the reality shows I've seen adverts for (there was that one where people jumped through like, holes- and that was it) you might make a million bucks!
@tommym: Or when the lap dance is over, they resume the expressionless face, and just get up and walk away.
@ Avie: I have a creep magnet! But it has led to some interesting experiences. And it's actually well-documented that I am myself a creep. That might have somethin' to do with it. ^_^
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