The Hub

Author notes

Ch. 2 - Pg. 26
HyenaHell onINCENTIVE! (at fuckin' last, eh?): Take a little visit to Vic's home town!
Hey. Hope some of y'all got the stomach to read all the way through the notes this time. Got some semi-important (well, to me, anyhow) news type info and whatnot.
Meanwhile, back at the titty bar… yet another boob gag. I'm prone to 'em.
Also: There was a little interesting somethin' a few pages back that I was surprised nobody picked up on… not sayin' what. >;)
Meanwhile, back in the sordid and oft-chaotic real world life of one Hyena Hell… I'm finally back home, with real, non-iphone internets. Sweet. I appreciate all the comments and all the continued support, and hopefully my bein' incommunicado don't impress otherwise.
Good news and potentially bad news:
The good: Looks like the parallel between me and my (much dumber) alter-ego is 'bout to split ways. Within the next couple months, I'm-a be moving back home to New Orleans! I dunno how many of y'all are familiar with my 4-year, Katrina-induced exile, but it's seemin' that the Odyssey is nearly ended.
The bad: Due to the cross-country move as detailed above, and a couple other unforeseen and unavoidable obstacles I ran into this summer, I'm real behind with Ch. 3. If life had let me the fuck alone, I'd be about 2/3 done by now. Instead, it's a scant quarter. Fear not: This don't mean a hiatus, mind you. The whole thing's drawn, and I'm about to kick into ass-bustin' mode with churnin' out the inked pages. But it may mean scalin' back to once weekly posts, until I regain my "at least one issue ahead of myself" buffer. Again. May or may not come to that. If'n it do, well, I hate it; but shit happens.
Anyhow, here's the responses! 'Bout fuckin' time, eh?
Naw, I don't think Calamity's fat either. I did intend her to be "curvier", but in my book that's far from a bad thing. >:D
@kmajor: Funny ya mention it- the "fatass" remark was in reference to a joke much earlier that got a last-minute edit; unfortunately, some idiot forgot about that completely, and thus (in my opinion, at least) the remark comes off as a bit… I dunno, disconnected? ;)
@tommym: Yeah, you don't call chicks fat. Ever.
@repoman: Well, some people might think that way. >;)
@darkwaterfrey: Heh. We got a '99 Blazer that you can start with a screwdriver. It also keeps running once ya start it, regardless of whether the keys are still in the ignition.
@Niccea: Yeah, she's a tight clothes kinda girl. Kinda like me in highschool. Tryin' to compensate for not bein' the girliest of girls… obviously I've since given that up. ;)
@Ag: Yeah, Cutter's a total asshole. But he's probably more fun to write than any of the rest of 'em.
@freefall drift: Heh. Good theory.
@Jabali: "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon"!
@stubblemonkey: Remember how much ya like the dialogue when the DD awards come around… I mean- naw, I ain't, uh… shit. Although the last time I made a tasteless and half-serious plug for myself, I got to be prom queen. And I wasn't any less of a weirdo then than I am now, either. Shit. Truth = stranger than fiction. ;)
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