The Hub

Author notes

Ch. 2 - Pg. 29
HyenaHell onIncentive: A page from a mini-comic I made when I was in high school. Egads! When I get it scanned proper, I'll post it serial style as incentives, eventual. I also finally found a (bad xerox copy) of the comic I made that got me the $17,000 scholarship. Lookin' back- I have NO IDEA why. But I think I'm-a post it too, serial style too, when Ch. 3 kicks off here in a minute.
Bit o' background for Petey.
Vic's referring to Nazi eugenics, specifically the Lebensborn organization. Not that he's any kind of scholar; he just watches (well, watched) a lot of the Hitl- I mean, the History Channel. Seriously though- fer about 3 years, that's pretty much *all* they showed, was Nazi crap. I mean there were *two* specials on Hitler and the Occult. C'mon, man! But I liked that better than what they do now. "Ax Men"? Not history! Keep that garbage on the Discovery Channel, where it belongs!
RE: scumbag vs. dirtbag
I think they're pretty interchangeable… interestin' to see how y'all interpret it! I think there are some subtle differences. Dirtbaggery seems more hapless and hopeless to me. Like the dirtbag doesn't know he's a dirtbag. Scumbaggery seems much more calculated; a defiance of human decency. The former is a shitty person on account of he doesn't know any better; the latter is a shitty person on account of he doesn't give a fuck. I think Vic's probably more of a dirtbag. Cutter, on the other hand- quintessential scumbag.
Other notable scumbags:
Yers truly, for one.
@New folks: As always, welcome aboard, and hope yer enjoyin' the ride. I feel th' need to keep givin' all y'all readers props- I couldn't/wouldn't be doin' it without ya.
@taradaga: Heh. Me too. To steal a line from ozoneocean, he's like "a retarded version of me". ;)
@Graphictruth: As far as the Greeks go, I'm a big fan of Euripides, Aeschylus, and especially Sophocles. Guess I'm more into the tragedies. -_- I don't really get into the satire until the late Roman stuff.
@Gravekeeper: Yeah, you really can't, uh… "un-gay" someone.
@repoman: Well, I know "scumbag" is also slang for condom… so there is that. Though the "s" does seem, er, superfluous.
@Peipei: Heh. Well, that's good for him. Sometimes I think I made Vic so annoying that only I like him. ;)
@Kristen: Yeah, I gots me a worthless BFA in printmakin'. Was goin' for a double major. Classics wouldn't have been much better, s'far as the job field goes. I have no idea why ate Antiquity and Medieval, too. I do know that it was impossible for me to put 80 hours a week into art studio and do the language requirements. So I dropped it after my Greek roommate told me under no uncertain circumstances could she be of any help to me in the learnin' of Ancient Greek.
@Wordweaver: You'll find out. Eventually. Maybe. It ain't a plot point, though.
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