The Hub

Author notes

Ch. 2 - Pg. 30
HyenaHell onIncentive: Iron pourin' devil girls! Some of my illustration work. This was for a sculpture t-shirt. Kinda Coop-ish, but I don't claim t' not be rippin' the guy off.
And on the HOLY SHIT front: Go check out this BAD-ASS Hub strip that darkwaterfrey made for Traume Von Magpie! I swear that dude's got more talent in his pinky than I've got in the whole of my sorry carcass. Eternally flattered, I am. :D
Also: Provin' once a-fucken-gain that I gots IMPECCABLE tastes: another one of my DD favorites has got the feature. DIS! If'n ya likes Greek mythology- and I know you do- it's about Hades and how he gets suckered into marryin' Persephone, see? It's filled with neat little accurate details that makes even the most cynical Classics freak grin with proud recognition. The style is insanely unique, there's big-boobed chicks and grotesquely contorted expressions… Ya gotta see it. Please. Go! Now!
@Freegurt: Heh. Thanks. I a)tend to like women with meat on 'em better, and b) am a woman with meat on her, fer better or worse. But I do try an' mix it up, as far as the body types go; although I do have to remind myself to draw skinny people. Sorry, skinny people. It's on account of ya turn sideways and I can't see you. Easily omitted. ;)
Also: *despondent sigh* The History Channel sure ain't what it used t' be.
@Orin J Master: Tryin' too hard not to get a stiffy, or stryin' not to get that stiffy too hard? Can a stiffy be too hard? My vote's a resoundin' "NO". ;)
Another good idea with the different eye color. I didn't think about it one way or another. I guess it could be! If it was it'd be purple, I think.
@mbloom: Haven't heard it yet… I'm scared. :\ It would be fuckin' cool if she could see the future, right? Maybe she can. I'll leave it t' yer imagination.
@amanda: I watch TMC constantly when I'm at my folks' house. I think I've seen "Mildred Pierce" 47 times. My taste in movie stars is like that of a 40 year old gay man. Gretta Garbo, Lauren Bacall, Bettie Davis and Joan motherfuckin' Crawford all the way. But 50% of my television viewing is History channel. (40%= cartoons; 9%= Daily Show & Colbert Report; 1%= local news.)
@kmajor: Bein' Southern, I call everyone older than me "ma'am" or "sir". Anyone my age or younger is "darlin'" or "hon", regardless of sex.
@tommym: I've always followed the "friends first, get drunk and fuck, start dating" pattern myself. ;)
@Gravekeeper: Yeah, the only thing more obnoxious than the random and inexplicable inclusion of Nazis is the whole fuckin' DaVinci code bullshit. Grrr…
@Peipei: Indeed! That and he's as fucked up as th' rest of 'em. Just more… introverted about it. ;)
@darellsan: Flattery! But I'm a sucker for it. Thanks, buddy. :)
@repoman: Dude, it took me FOREVER to get Pete's expressions down!
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