The Hub

Author notes

Fanart by Kristen Gudsnuk!
HyenaHell onIncentive: a couple sketches of Vic; I feel like I draw the ladies waaaay more than anyone else, so I figured I'd toss him in.
Loooong ass notes today; I gots much to say, howevers.
Ain't told 'yall lately how fuckin' grateful I am t' have ya along for the ride. :) So there's that. Muchas gracias fer the support, comments, and returns.
Here's fan art from Kristen Gudsnuk, the amazingly talented entity of awesomeness responsible for The Optimist! Color me flattered. :D
And another one of the bestest Hyena Hell approved comics has got the feature- PLEASE go check out Eve's Apple. Just… do it. It's amazing.
Oooookay. Updates from henceforth are once weekly, of a Tuesday, until otherwise announced. I've explained before why this is happenin'- Goodly I'm movin' back to New Orleans in the next couple of weeks. Badly the strain of movin', findin' work, unpackin', etc. takes time away from comic-makin'. Sooooo- as soon as I get a "one full issue ahead" buffer again, we'll kick back to your regularly scheduled program.
To make it up to you, I've started a new comic called "Horror Vacui"* what updates on Saturdays since The Hub don't no more. So ya still get me twice a week; just in different, er- "manifestations".
(*except it's not "new", on account if I drew the first page over two years ago. And it's not a "comic", it's my journal/sketchbook/recorded history whatever. Also it legitimizes what I've done told you about bein' insane.)
Oh, and if I don't respond to comments next update, it's on account of I'll be in New Orleans, without internet, and most likely preoccupied with unpacking. :)
@Jabali: Yeah, I'm a Coop nut. ;) Although the Bride of Frankenstein chicks are *my* personal fave:
RE: "Full-figured" women: Oh, halls yeah. I once had a model when I taught figure drawing that was pretty much a real live Coop girl. It was all I could do to remain, er, professional! I felt like a total perv.
@PIT FACE: Vic's not too much of the "Deep Thinker" type, although he does have occasional lapses. ;)
@patrickdevine: Yeah, here's another instance where the comic overlaps with my "displaced" type situation; that's definitely one way to look at it- I wanted to kind of represent the different ways people deal with that crap, as I've said before. Not sure I'm able to think that way, though. x_X
@tommym: Yeah, Pete's definitely the most level-headed of the bunch. ;)
@The Gravekeeper: Yeah, I gotta confess I'm kinda nihilistic in my thinkin' on the matter. But on the plus side I ain't driving myself crazy about our senseless and purposeless existence.
@kmajor: Indeed!
@stubblemonkey: yeah, here's where we get into the more episodic stories. I mean, there's a continuity, but it's more like, "This week, on "The Hub"…" ;)
@Fenn: Yeah, even back when I was a D&D nerd, I never liked the idea that elves were like, these willowy, stoic, usually blonde, and had roles as like, exclusively archers and healers, ya know? There were never like, drunken brawling elves. Which is why I love "Poison Elves" so much.
@Ryu: I'm still debating on whether or not to do an "origin story" issue; I'd like to, but as of now there about 25 issues planned out, and it depends on how many, er, years I want to devote to doin' this particular story. (Right now I figure it'll take me about 7 to finish it!)
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