The Idiot

Your Base Are Belong To Us ... or whatever.

Author notes

Your Base Are Belong To Us ... or whatever.


There are two articles that this story is based on. One is actual fact and the other is wild libellous conjecture.

First, the true deal…

Since the Bush administration doesn't include war costs in their annual budget, it's necessary for Congress to pass an "Emergency Spending Bill" every so often. Otherwise, our soldiers don't get paid, our war machines don't get fixed and things would grind to a halt.

So anyway, Republicans and Democrats worked together on the wording for the new appropriations bill. The Democrats in the House added wording that said that none of the money would go to "establish permanent United States military bases in Iraq, or to exercise United States control over the oil infrastructure or oil resources of Iraq."

This wording was approved of in the House and then again approved in a similar bill in the Senate.

But, the bill in its final form does not have the wording in it. When the Democrats tried to reinstate it, it was refused.

So, what reasons could Republicans have for dropping these provisions out of the bill? There's really only one answer.


Now the libellous thing. In the wake of the gay bashing by Republicans in general and the Bush Administration specifically, quite a few reports came out about Bush's sexual pecadillos:

Bush's wife left him AND he's having an affair with Condi.

Bush performed homosexual sex acts AND had homosexual acts proformed on him.

Is any of it true? Perhaps. It does seem that the biggest gay hating gays are closet gays themselves.



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