The King of the Universe

Author notes

King of the Universe: Page 02
denji onHappy easter!
Rawr page two..I'm not pleased with how the colours came out ; ;it's hard getting the colours right when you can in! This character has no name btw. (as it is so short..) but as you can see he's quite an angry/bored character.
my sissy's comic is getting really good! XD; I'm ttoally hooked on it; but sadly now it will be slower since she has an interveiw for the Sequential illustration course(!!)~~ >RANDOM~~ I was looking through photos from a london trip we went to last week, and I found one of someone's smile- oou, his smile is georgeous!! I haven't seen him in ages..or in a week, which is odd for me as I seem to always end up by his side. XD it really cheered me up~ It's amazing what small things can really bring people up or down!
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