The Krae

Author notes

Chapter 2.8
Krae onOh my gawd! I'm Back from my exchange, ready to do stuff.
Man, I can't believe how little I updated! Sorry! D:
School is going to start again soon, kiddies. Lordie, I started this comic back at the beginning of freshman year in high school, and I had no idea what I was doing. So I've just been going along with the storyline, but recently I've been thinking about restarting it. It will be… better…
I also have a new story I'm going to post soon. It is written but I'm only a few pages completed. I'll wait a tad.
Thanks for reading!
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Login or Registerroycemarie at
This looks interesting. So you are faved. Let's see where this goes.
rmmanuel at
Soooooo good!
Mina_Lunga at
It's always tempting to go back and wipe the slate clean. . . especially after so much time has passed. It's obvious just in this page that your linework and coloring have improved since your last post! The cow is especially solid and. . . moist.
ejb at
I really like the rich, organic feel of the coloring.
luvmylab at
kaminari at
oh my gosh update!!
Im really glad to see you back and trust you had a great time in Japan! So more story now please =D
I like the moody atmosphere on this page. especially the first panel and cow scene.
Now he has slobber in his hair! XD