- #72 - Too Much Blood
- #71 - The Wrong Word
- #70 - Who's Dog is This?
- #69 - Left Hangin'
- #68 - Gotta Go Bro!
- #67 - Waste of a Good Machete
- #66 - Cut It Off!
- 65 - My Bad Bro!
- #64 - Will You Stop That?!
- #63 - Put What Where?!
- #62 - Veterinarians
- #61 - Professional Help
- #60 - Burns You to a Crisp
- #59 - Poppa
- #58 - Space Worms
- #57 - Moderately Alarming
- #56 - Eggs and Bakey
- Book 2's Previously Page
- #55 - Ooh! Waffles!
- #54 - New Owner
- #53 - Flock O' Geese
- #52 - Collect Bugs
- #51 - Now Hold On
- #50 - Lucky and Fly
- #49 - Canes and Walkers
- #48 - Good with Ketchup
- #47 - Right Over There
- #46 - Looks Good in a Mustache
- #45 - Get Off'n Me, You!
- #44 - Calls Him Lucky
- #43 - Doesn't Look Australian
#42 - ADHD Dog
- #40-41 Let's Watch Them
- #39 - Distrustful
- #38 - The GnatCams Are Watching!
- #37 - Frisky and Hannah Case File
- #36 - Tigger Case File
- The Long Hiatus
- Character Card #5.2 - Glowing Green Lantern Milo
- Character Card #5 - Green Lantern Milo
- #35 - Stripes' Case File
- #34 - SuperMilo Case File
- Character Card #004 - My Little Milo
- [filler] Hanging with my bud Scott
- #33 - A New "Hero"
- Character Card #3 - SuperMitoe!
- Fan Art by Josh Holley!
- Fan Art by Josh Shivers!
- #32 - It's Time
- #31 Happy Veteran's Day / Commie Cigars
- #30 – Yellow Man’s Poetry
- Back to Business 2011
- Fan Art by Ekormekolindo!
- Fan Art by Ben Soulstone!
- Sketch Card #2 - SuperMilo as Thor
- Sketch Card #1 - SuperMilo as himself
- #31.3 – Unhappy Veteran’s Commie Cigars!
- #31.2 – Commie Cigars
- #35 - Black Gnat Case File: Stripes
- Fan Art by Kapricia Krasnai
- Fan Art by ProfessorF!
- Fan Art by Thomas Clemmons!
- #34 - Black Gnat Case File: SuperMilo
- [Filler] WTH Con! advert / Fan Art by Tom Gray
- 01-25-2011 Happy Veteran's Day
- [Filler] SuperMilo Merchandise Flyer #1
- [Filler] DCUO SuperMilo by Tommy Gray 004
- [Filler] DCUO SuperMilo by Tommy Gray 003
- [Filler] DCUO SuperMilo by Tommy Gray 002
- [Filler] DCUO SuperMilo by Tommy Gray 001
- 11-09-2010 The Beat Goes On
- 11-06-2010 Beat Beat Beat CANE [bw]
- 10-26-2010 Beat Beat Beat [bw teaser]
- 10-12-2010 Oh The Screaming!
- 08-12-2010 Oh the Screaming (bw)
6-25-10 Shades of Blue
- 06-17-10 Too Tired To Move
- Fan Art by Jay Gobble
- (Filler) Evolution of "More Coffee"
- Fan Art by Paul Kaminski
- (Filler) History of SuperMilo Comics
- (Filler) Nyu's Art Meme
- (Filler) Heroes Con!
- (Repeat) 06-02-10 Helium Dreams FULL
- 06-01-10 Fweet POP!
- 05-25-10 Helium Dreams
- Fan Art by Liz
- 05-18-10 Helium Dreams (line art only)
- (Filler) "KnightRat of FantastiTeam" sketches
- (Filler) "Ring Slinger and StarPower of FT" sketches
- (Filler) "No. 8 and Potato of FantastiTeam" sketches
- (Filler) "No. 8 of FantastiTeam" sketches
- (Filler) Ted and Good Guy sketches
- 04-27-10 Doing Great
- 04-22-10 A Compromise
- 02-16-10 A Compromise (line art only)
- 02-11-10 Going Back to Sleep
- 01-26-10 The Danger
- Fan Art by Annie
- Fan Art by Cass
- Fan Art by ShadowCat
- Merry Christmas part 2 - The Louse Who Jacked Kwanzaa
- SuperMilo meets SuperFogeys #1
- 01-05-10 The Sound of Help
- Merry Christmas 2009
11-27-09 Why So Satisfying? (Aftermath of Last Night)
- (Filler) SuperMilo Strip Issue 1 Cover
- 11-27-09 Why So Satisfying?
- 11-01-09 Milo Joins MySpace?
- (Filler) Concept Artwork - SuperMilo 2008
- 10-12-09 That's Not All!
- 10-05-09 Not Listening!
- 09-28-09 Not Radioactive!
- 09-24-09 Not Rich Nor Debonair!
- 09-21-09 Mostly Not Abnormal!
- 09-17-09 Not from Outer Space!
- 09-14-09 Starving For Attention
- 09-11-09 More Coffee
09-10-09 'Splainin' To do (The Origin Story)
- 09-07-09 BoxNews Report
- 09-03-09 TV The Life Boats!!
- 08-24-09 Not Good For The TV's
- 08-19-09 The Last TV
- 08-17-09 Shopping Buddies!
- 08-10-09 Stupid Vision
08-08-09 My Soaps (Introduction)
Author notes
If practice makes perfect, then Milo won't have any trouble if he ever does get a reporter, fan club, or bored evil villain who will sit still long enough to listen to this riveting tale. I got this done last Thursday - as a matter of fact, I got three extra done last Thursday. You saw two go up that day, as a matter of fact. If you only saw one, don't forget to check out what you missed. I think I should make lots of these to put out automatically here while I work on the main series - yeah, I shouldn't abandon my original vision. I need to be decisive. But this strip series will keep people interested in Milo while I do the full page issue versions I originally planned. Anyway, I love the no-bubble speech I did in the last panel. It's what Brock of SuperFogeys has been doing and there's something visually appealing to it. I'm not certain it'll become normal for this strip though. Milo's attitude in the last panel seems oddly foreign. I'm not certain that it's his correct personality. I may change that dialogue in the future. Note: I recolored the last panel COMPLETELY different from the last page. Oh, and the shading has returned! I shan't abandon it if I need not!
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Login or RegisterTed The Terrible at
nice. can't wait to hear it.
ProfessorF at
Yeah, I want to hear it too!
JediAnn Solo at
But I'm here, SuperMilo! Tell me your story!
I'm looking forward to this… XD