The New Old Black Mage
Author notes
#007: Stalker
Rodwy onI have and play S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SoC often and recently started a new game, I hate all the advanced stalkers telling you how you'll be killed easily. You think they'd want to be nice to people that could turn on them in a split second if they could, and lord knows I have, stupid cocky bastards.
EDIT: I figured out why the issue wouldn't load, for some reason the server wont let me upload the pictures for now. Apparently there's a bug that comics created between the 11th and 19th lost the ability to upload images to their comic pages. So until it's fixed no pictures for my issues. I have a few pages, actually just Wednesdays and Fridays that are borked also, looks like they'll just be stand ins until I can upload pics again.
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