The Prime of Ambition

Author notes

Chapter 2, Page 31
Sly Eagle onYou know, Than, no one's making you stay up… *sigh* Boys.
Okay, first of all, I'm really sorry for this half-assed update on top
of all the other ones. Really. I feel like shit on the inside. But I
simply didn't have the time. I would have had the time if
things had gone smooth at the printers. Things did NOT go smooth. But,
I have hard copies of the prologue and chapter 1 (with a couple errors,
oh well…better than the first dozen round of errors) that you can see
at our table at Connecticon. These past ten days I feel like I've
barely been alive. I've certainly barely been here. Where the heck did
the time go? How come conventions take so much preparation? Why is my
bag still not packed when I'm supposed to be on the road in ten
minutes? AUGH.
Well, a couple comments about this page, which I will likely finish as
next week's update, along with *fingers crossed* one of the other
not-all-colored pages. I just wanted to point out Than's speech slip in
panel six. Orisian is Than's fourth language, and Than prides himself
on his fluency. Some of you might have wondered at, since Than's a
noble, his use of contractions and slang. Well. When speaking in Dark
Elfish, he never touches them. In Dark Elfish, he's the epitome of a
well-bred gentleman. In other languages, however, he prefers to
display his control of the language instead of his social
status. However, it's still his fourth language and it sometimes shows,
especially when he's angry or tired. Any grammar teacher would cross
out "you aren't" and write "you're not." I wonder if any of you know
why, and furthermore if you know what caused the mistake?
More importantly…which
of our two stubborn dolts is going to succeed over the others?
I'm off to the con. There will be updates of sorts after the con. Yup.
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