The Prime of Ambition

Author notes

Chapter 2, Page 36
Sly Eagle onThan, what are you not telling us this time, eh?
Well, then. You all may recall back when I did the page with nine
panels that I was never going to do a nine-panel page again. As you can see, I've kept my word. This page has ten. No, I don't know what's wrong with me (although my blood test results show that there IS, in fact, something wrong with me…although it has
nothing to do with this page). This page was something of a nightmare to lay out, and I'm disappointed with the way 6, 7, 8 flow kinda backwards, but c'est la vie. I think it'll be better with color, particularly Than's spell there. It'll have some effects once it's colored.
I mentioned something was wrong with me. Not to TMI, but I had blood work done to see what the cause of my fatigue may be. The lyme disease is over and done with, fortunately, but now I have cholesterol level problems which will only be fixed by work on my part. I don't think this'll effect the comic, though.
What will arrives tomorrow. That is to say, the privacy filter for my screen. If it makes it bearable to stare at my new screen for hours on end, we may have a color page on Saturday. Yay!
Response time!
Cheeko: Than can never have enough fangirls. XD
Popenfresh: Thank you! You'll get to see much, much more. Like, eighteen more chapters worth…
Alanajoli: Part of what I like about real Japanese martial arts is there's no Tao. You can, in fact, learn to kick bum without it turning all spiritualist on you. ;) Nevertheless, I am interested if you can point me in directions~
Everyone else: Thank you!
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