The Random Mind of Stephan Von Krieger
Author notes
Pure Evil
PredatorRed onKevin is one of my online buddies and basically begged to be in the strip as the token hyperactive spaz type character.
Alex Fayt, well, it's an ongoing ULW joke about a guy that got shoved to the top of the federation over everybody else just because the writer wanted some new main event guys, Fayt never did anything constructive. He basically made every ULW guy out to be nothing, won the World title, and then proceeded to vanish and do nothing. What's more is he won it from me. So his punishment is to be made the butt of just about every other joke I make in ULW, and now he's here!
Fayt never actually talked like that, it's just a trait I gave him in my first badly drawn MS Paint like stick figure comic. That way of speaking has stuck for anyone that I believe to be talking out their ass, speaking nonsense, or just talking to be a dick. That's been translated over into the comic to Fayt speaking in the language of Cthulhu, as in ULW Fayt is essentially pure evil. The Anti-ULW, the guy no ULW member wants to end up emulating.
Fayt stole his look from Dante from Devil May Cry, his outfit from early NWA-TNA Raven, and his gimmick and finisher from CM Punk. Just in case any of you are wrestling fans out there.
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