Author notes

Page 21
Blue_and_Aze onI'm working on my drawing style. For a preview of what it's gonna look like check here:—> (sneaky way to get votes. ^_^)
Blue: annnd we're back. There are some things that bug me on this page. I think we tried to have too much going on… and the white florescent lighting is killing me. Lighting change on the next panel. woot. I need better fonts. if anyone has any suggestions for fonts it will be appreciated. i need something less super-hero for the speech bubbles.
anyways. sleep time. peace
Aze: Lets see if this works. All of my comments somehow mysteriously dissapear so maybe this one will show up. … Actually i dont have a whole lot to say. Its buisness as usual. Thankfully blue's school has slowed down enough to give her time to work on the comic :) I missed her *sadface*.. OMG!! I remenvered. Remember back at page, like 14 these soldiers made their first appearance. Well at the time blue had to color their helmets because they r whacked and i couldn't figure them out. Well i think i got them Finally. YAY!! Anyways hope you enjoy!!
ps. R u fans of the motion lines?? do we need more or less?
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