The SuperFogeys
- The End of the SuperFogeys on Drunk Duck - But Not The End of the SuperFogeys!
- 5.175 - End of Chapter 5: My Pleasure
- 5.174 - Big Mistake
- 5.173 - The Blender of Vengeance
- 5.172 - The Superhero Code
- 5.171 - Hello, Karma
- 5.170 - There Will Be Blood
- 5.169 - Faker!
- 5.168 - Tangerine Gets His Mad On
- 5.167 - Flashback: Captain Spectacular's Shame
- 5.166 - Beer Don't Judge
- BONUS!- Erin's Comic
- 5.165 - Not a Villain?
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page Three
- 5.154 - Why "Tangerine?"
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page Two
- 5.163 - Dr. Klein's Got Some Splainin' to Do
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page One
- 5.162 - Just Another Purty Face?
- 5.161 - Tangerine's Arrival and Dr. Klein's Return
- 5.160 - Best Friends Forever?
- 5.159 - Strange Dreams and Wedding Plans
- 5.158 - Bubbles of Light 2
- 5.157 - The Third Man's Message
- 5.156 - An Utter Lack of Decorum
- 5.155 - Bait and Switch
- 5.154 - Tangerine's Surprise
- 5.153 - 6 a.m., Eighth Street
- 5.152 - Best Man
- 5.151 - Peanut Butter Cookies
- 5.150 - Star Maiden and Clovis the Bear
- 5.149 - Santa Rocket
- 5.148 - The Society of Heroes - 1: Tangerine!
- 5.147 - Three Plus Seven
- 5.146 - Cad and a Layabout
- 5.145 - Wrinkly Butt
Guest Strip by Sean Conchieri!
Guest Strip by Lucas Turnbloom!
Guest Strip by Rufus Edge!
Guest Strip by Brian Anderson!
- 5.144 - Jerry Wakes Up
- 5.143 - Ogle
- 5.142 - Back to Hel
- 5.141 - Why, Little D?
- 5.140 - The Kindness of His Heart
5.139 - Beginning Chapter 5, "The Redemption of Dr. Rocket"
COVER to Collection #3
- Episode 4.138 - The End of Chapter 4, "Dictator Tot's Revenge!"
- Episode 4.137 - The Operating Blues
- Episode 4.136 - Censored!
- Episode 4.135 - The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein, Conclusion
- Episode 4.134 - The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein, Part 2
- Episode 4.133 - Beginning the Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein
- Episode 4.132 - Space Pig Clocks In
- Episode 4.131 - Spy Gal's Broken Promise Woes
- Episode 4.130 - When Pigs Fly
- Episode 4.129 - Captain Spectacular's Plea
- Episode 4.128 - Who Can Save Jerry?
- Episode 4.127 - What's So Bad About an Entralen Slime Pellet?
- Episode 4.126 - Who the $#%@ is the Third Man?
- Episode 4.125 - Blood on the Floor
- Episode 4.124 - BANG!
- Episode 4.123 - The Box is Opened
- Episode 4.122 - Initiate: Pink Phase
- Episode 4.121 - O, The Wagging Finger of Star Maiden
- Episode 4.120 - Virtual Boxing: Swifty vs. Star Maiden!
- Episode 4.119 - Uh Oh, Maybe the Captain Shouldn't Be Doing That...
- Episode 4.118 - Spy Gal vs. Star Maiden
Bonus! Special Preview of "Operation: Valhalla"
Bonus! Special Preview of "The Secret Origin of the Space Pig!"
- Episode 4.117 - Captain Spectacular's Girl Troubles
Bonus! A Special Preview of "Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden in the Inevitable Dimension!"
- Episode 4.116 - Why Doesn't Star Maiden Know Things Are Different in Valhalla?
- Episode 4.115 - Star Maiden Knocks Back Dr. Rocket!
- Episode 4.114 - What Does Star Maiden See Upon Her Arrival to Valhalla?
- Episode 4.113 - Virtual Boxing: Captain Spectacular vs. Dr. Rocket!
- Episode 4.112 - Rumble in Valhalla
The Cover To SuperFogeys Book 2!
- Episode 4.111 - Dr. Rocket Apologizes...For Real
- Episode 4.110 - Spy Gal vs. Dictator Tot
- Episode 4.109 - Doctor Rocket Gets His
- Episode 4.108 - Spy Gal Comforts Jerry
- Episode 4.107 - Bubbles of Light
- Episode 4.106 - Will Dictator Tot Ever Find Out What a "Beta" Is?
- Episode 4.105 - Dr. Klein's Business Matters
- Episode 103 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Captain Emo!
- Episode 102 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Swifty
- Episode 101 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Captain Spectacular
- Episode 100 - The End of Chapter 3, "The Techno Shuffle" - The Third Man Revealed!
- Episode 99 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Conclusion
- Episode 98 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 6
- Episode 97 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 5
- Episode 96 - How Captain Spectacular Met and Married Star Maiden, Part 4
- Episode 95 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 3
- Episode 94 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 2
- Episode 93 - Beginning the Tale of How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married
- Episode 92 - Not The Woman He Used to Know
- Episode 91 - WebSpace Page: Star Maiden
- Episode 90 - Captain Spectacular's WHAT!?
- Episode 89 - WebSpace Page: Dr. Rocket
- Episode 88 - Who Smells Like Fish?
- Episode 87 - The Third Man is Back...and He's NOT Happy
- Episode 86 - WebSpace Page: Jerry
- Episode 85 - WebSpace Page: Spy Gal
- Episode 84 - Operation: What?
- Episode 83 - Spy Gal the Seductress
- Episode 82 - What Are Spy Gal's Intention's Towards Dr. Klein?
- Episode 81 - Spy Gal's Hasty Retreat
- Episode 80 - WebSpace Page: Mega Matt
- Episode 79 - WebSpace Page: Bingo Knight
- Episode 78 - WebSpace Page: Captain Supermarket
- Episode 77 - Captain Spectacular Tries Dictator Tot's Patience
- Episode 76 - Sensitive Space Pig
- Episode 75 - WebSpace Page: The Space Pig
- Special Halloween Wallpaper
- Episode 74 - WebSpace Page: The Healer (and CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT)
- Episode 73 - Sharing is Fun!
- Episode 72 - Dictator Tot's Lesson Begins
- Episode 71 - Gene and Dictator Tot Up to No Good
- Episode 70 - The Arrival of Dictator Tot
- Episode 69 - The Return of Swifty! Double-Sized!
- Episode 68 - Jerry's Computer Troubles
- Episode 67 - Is the World Ready for a Webcomic by Dr. Rocket?
- Episode 66 - The Techno Fear of Captain Spectacular
- Episode 65 - Who is Gene Talking to?
- Episode 64 - Introducing: The Third Man
- Episode 63 - The Warden's Secret Shame
- Episode 62 - Gene's Link to Dictator Tot Revealed!
- Episode 61 - Introducing: DICTATOR TOT!
- Episode 59 - THE END OF CHAPTER 2!!
- Episode 58 - Shut Up, Jerry!
- Episode 57 - Naked!
- Episode 56 - Dr. Rocket's Revenge
- Episode 55 - What's This All About?
- Episode 54 - Gene...Apologizes?
- Episode 53 - I Feel a Healing Coming On!
- Episode 52 - What Captain Spectacular Wants
- Episode 51 - What Does Captain Spectacular Want?
- Episode 50 - Double-sized Extravaganza! Bingo Knight Triumphant!
- Episode 49 - Spy Gal vs. Bingo Knight
- Episode 48 - Bingo Knight Goes Too Far
- Episode 47 - Introducing: Bingo Knight!
- Episode 46- The Winner of Bingo Night?
- Episode 45- Ending: The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Lost the Use of His Legs
- Episode 44- Beginning: The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Lost the Use of His Legs
- Episode 43 - The Healer vs. Captain Spectacular
- Episode 42- Dr. Rocket's (Not So) Secret Desire
- Episode 41 - Swifty's Litany
- Episode 40 - Jerry's a Bit Starstruck by the Healer
- Episode 39 - Where Will Jerry Sit?
- Episode 38 - Reflections
- Episode 37 - Gene Crosses the Line
- Episode 36 - Why Does Valhalla Smell Funny?
- Episode 35 - Healer's Q&A
- Episode 34 - Introducing: The Healer!
- Episode 33 - Why walk when you can fly?
- Episode 32 - The Prize for Winning Bingo Night
- Episode 31 - A Morning Surprise From Jerry
- Episode 30 - Spy Gal vs. Gene
Episode 29 - Chapter 2 Begins
- Episode 28 - The End of Chapter One
- Episode 27
- Episode 26
- Episode 25
- Episode 24
- Episode 23
- Episode 22
- Episode 21
- Episode 20
- Episode 19
- Episode 18
- Episode 17
- Episode 16
- Episode 15
- Episode 14
- Episode 13
- Episode 12
- Episode 11
- Episode 10
- Episode 9
- Episode 8
- Episode 7
- Episode 6
- Episode 5
- Episode 4
- Episode 3
- Episode 2 - What's Wrong With Captain Spectacular's Oatmeal? Introducing: Jerry!
- The End of the SuperFogeys on Drunk Duck - But Not The End of the SuperFogeys!
- 5.175 - End of Chapter 5: My Pleasure
- 5.174 - Big Mistake
- 5.173 - The Blender of Vengeance
- 5.172 - The Superhero Code
- 5.171 - Hello, Karma
- 5.170 - There Will Be Blood
- 5.169 - Faker!
- 5.168 - Tangerine Gets His Mad On
- 5.167 - Flashback: Captain Spectacular's Shame
- 5.166 - Beer Don't Judge
- BONUS!- Erin's Comic
- 5.165 - Not a Villain?
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page Three
- 5.154 - Why "Tangerine?"
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page Two
- 5.163 - Dr. Klein's Got Some Splainin' to Do
- Preview: "Cellmates" Page One
- 5.162 - Just Another Purty Face?
- 5.161 - Tangerine's Arrival and Dr. Klein's Return
- 5.160 - Best Friends Forever?
- 5.159 - Strange Dreams and Wedding Plans
- 5.158 - Bubbles of Light 2
- 5.157 - The Third Man's Message
- 5.156 - An Utter Lack of Decorum
- 5.155 - Bait and Switch
- 5.154 - Tangerine's Surprise
- 5.153 - 6 a.m., Eighth Street
- 5.152 - Best Man
- 5.151 - Peanut Butter Cookies
- 5.150 - Star Maiden and Clovis the Bear
- 5.149 - Santa Rocket
- 5.148 - The Society of Heroes - 1: Tangerine!
- 5.147 - Three Plus Seven
- 5.146 - Cad and a Layabout
- 5.145 - Wrinkly Butt
Guest Strip by Sean Conchieri!
Guest Strip by Lucas Turnbloom!
Guest Strip by Rufus Edge!
Guest Strip by Brian Anderson!
- 5.144 - Jerry Wakes Up
- 5.143 - Ogle
- 5.142 - Back to Hel
- 5.141 - Why, Little D?
- 5.140 - The Kindness of His Heart
5.139 - Beginning Chapter 5, "The Redemption of Dr. Rocket"
COVER to Collection #3
- Episode 4.138 - The End of Chapter 4, "Dictator Tot's Revenge!"
- Episode 4.137 - The Operating Blues
- Episode 4.136 - Censored!
- Episode 4.135 - The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein, Conclusion
- Episode 4.134 - The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein, Part 2
- Episode 4.133 - Beginning the Tale of How Captain Spectacular Met Dr. Klein
- Episode 4.132 - Space Pig Clocks In
- Episode 4.131 - Spy Gal's Broken Promise Woes
- Episode 4.130 - When Pigs Fly
- Episode 4.129 - Captain Spectacular's Plea
- Episode 4.128 - Who Can Save Jerry?
- Episode 4.127 - What's So Bad About an Entralen Slime Pellet?
- Episode 4.126 - Who the $#%@ is the Third Man?
- Episode 4.125 - Blood on the Floor
- Episode 4.124 - BANG!
- Episode 4.123 - The Box is Opened
- Episode 4.122 - Initiate: Pink Phase
- Episode 4.121 - O, The Wagging Finger of Star Maiden
- Episode 4.120 - Virtual Boxing: Swifty vs. Star Maiden!
- Episode 4.119 - Uh Oh, Maybe the Captain Shouldn't Be Doing That...
- Episode 4.118 - Spy Gal vs. Star Maiden
Bonus! Special Preview of "Operation: Valhalla"
Bonus! Special Preview of "The Secret Origin of the Space Pig!"
- Episode 4.117 - Captain Spectacular's Girl Troubles
Bonus! A Special Preview of "Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden in the Inevitable Dimension!"
- Episode 4.116 - Why Doesn't Star Maiden Know Things Are Different in Valhalla?
- Episode 4.115 - Star Maiden Knocks Back Dr. Rocket!
- Episode 4.114 - What Does Star Maiden See Upon Her Arrival to Valhalla?
- Episode 4.113 - Virtual Boxing: Captain Spectacular vs. Dr. Rocket!
- Episode 4.112 - Rumble in Valhalla
The Cover To SuperFogeys Book 2!
- Episode 4.111 - Dr. Rocket Apologizes...For Real
- Episode 4.110 - Spy Gal vs. Dictator Tot
- Episode 4.109 - Doctor Rocket Gets His
- Episode 4.108 - Spy Gal Comforts Jerry
- Episode 4.107 - Bubbles of Light
- Episode 4.106 - Will Dictator Tot Ever Find Out What a "Beta" Is?
- Episode 4.105 - Dr. Klein's Business Matters
- Episode 103 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Captain Emo!
- Episode 102 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Swifty
- Episode 101 - Bonus WebSpace Page: Captain Spectacular
- Episode 100 - The End of Chapter 3, "The Techno Shuffle" - The Third Man Revealed!
- Episode 99 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Conclusion
- Episode 98 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 6
- Episode 97 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 5
- Episode 96 - How Captain Spectacular Met and Married Star Maiden, Part 4
- Episode 95 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 3
- Episode 94 - How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married, Part 2
- Episode 93 - Beginning the Tale of How Captain Spectacular and Star Maiden Met and Married
- Episode 92 - Not The Woman He Used to Know
- Episode 91 - WebSpace Page: Star Maiden
- Episode 90 - Captain Spectacular's WHAT!?
- Episode 89 - WebSpace Page: Dr. Rocket
- Episode 88 - Who Smells Like Fish?
- Episode 87 - The Third Man is Back...and He's NOT Happy
- Episode 86 - WebSpace Page: Jerry
- Episode 85 - WebSpace Page: Spy Gal
- Episode 84 - Operation: What?
- Episode 83 - Spy Gal the Seductress
- Episode 82 - What Are Spy Gal's Intention's Towards Dr. Klein?
- Episode 81 - Spy Gal's Hasty Retreat
- Episode 80 - WebSpace Page: Mega Matt
- Episode 79 - WebSpace Page: Bingo Knight
- Episode 78 - WebSpace Page: Captain Supermarket
- Episode 77 - Captain Spectacular Tries Dictator Tot's Patience
- Episode 76 - Sensitive Space Pig
- Episode 75 - WebSpace Page: The Space Pig
- Special Halloween Wallpaper
- Episode 74 - WebSpace Page: The Healer (and CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT)
- Episode 73 - Sharing is Fun!
- Episode 72 - Dictator Tot's Lesson Begins
- Episode 71 - Gene and Dictator Tot Up to No Good
- Episode 70 - The Arrival of Dictator Tot
- Episode 69 - The Return of Swifty! Double-Sized!
- Episode 68 - Jerry's Computer Troubles
- Episode 67 - Is the World Ready for a Webcomic by Dr. Rocket?
- Episode 66 - The Techno Fear of Captain Spectacular
- Episode 65 - Who is Gene Talking to?
- Episode 64 - Introducing: The Third Man
- Episode 63 - The Warden's Secret Shame
- Episode 62 - Gene's Link to Dictator Tot Revealed!
- Episode 61 - Introducing: DICTATOR TOT!
- Episode 59 - THE END OF CHAPTER 2!!
- Episode 58 - Shut Up, Jerry!
- Episode 57 - Naked!
- Episode 56 - Dr. Rocket's Revenge
- Episode 55 - What's This All About?
- Episode 54 - Gene...Apologizes?
- Episode 53 - I Feel a Healing Coming On!
- Episode 52 - What Captain Spectacular Wants
- Episode 51 - What Does Captain Spectacular Want?
- Episode 50 - Double-sized Extravaganza! Bingo Knight Triumphant!
- Episode 49 - Spy Gal vs. Bingo Knight
- Episode 48 - Bingo Knight Goes Too Far
- Episode 47 - Introducing: Bingo Knight!
- Episode 46- The Winner of Bingo Night?
- Episode 45- Ending: The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Lost the Use of His Legs
- Episode 44- Beginning: The Tale of How Captain Spectacular Lost the Use of His Legs
- Episode 43 - The Healer vs. Captain Spectacular
- Episode 42- Dr. Rocket's (Not So) Secret Desire
- Episode 41 - Swifty's Litany
- Episode 40 - Jerry's a Bit Starstruck by the Healer
- Episode 39 - Where Will Jerry Sit?
- Episode 38 - Reflections
- Episode 37 - Gene Crosses the Line
- Episode 36 - Why Does Valhalla Smell Funny?
- Episode 35 - Healer's Q&A
- Episode 34 - Introducing: The Healer!
- Episode 33 - Why walk when you can fly?
- Episode 32 - The Prize for Winning Bingo Night
- Episode 31 - A Morning Surprise From Jerry
- Episode 30 - Spy Gal vs. Gene
Episode 29 - Chapter 2 Begins
- Episode 28 - The End of Chapter One
- Episode 27
- Episode 26
- Episode 25
- Episode 24
- Episode 23
- Episode 22
- Episode 21
- Episode 20
- Episode 19
- Episode 18
- Episode 17
- Episode 16
- Episode 15
- Episode 14
- Episode 13
- Episode 12
- Episode 11
- Episode 10
- Episode 9
- Episode 8
- Episode 7
- Episode 6
- Episode 5
- Episode 4
- Episode 3
- Episode 2 - What's Wrong With Captain Spectacular's Oatmeal? Introducing: Jerry!
Author notes
Thus ends the great daily SuperFogeys experiment. It was fun to post daily for a little while, but all experiments must come to an end. Besides which, I think it was a bit too much. Maybe everyone's on vacation, but traffic overall was on the decline this week. Never fear! I know how to fix that! That's right…from now on: less SuperFogeys! Yay! Starting next week and for the forseeable future, SF will only be appearing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (This was actually the plan for a while, but I like to blame others for my shortcomings [in this case the inability to be a good husband and father and turn out 3 strips a week].) Enjoy!SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT In previous posts I've mentioned that there will be a backup, exclusive-to-print Spy Gal story in the SuperFogeys Collection #1 Pre-Order Now! But I neglected to mention who the artists would be! Well, now it can be told… While the backup story is written by yours truly, the art will be done by the incomparable Eskimo Dave team of Mike Hartigan, Tony DeVito and MAD Conk! Eskimo Dave is the SuperFogeys sister webcomic at Th3rd World and any of you who have read it know how much fun it is and what a great job Mike, Tony and MAD Conk will surely do with SF. Personally, I can't wait to see it. See you all on Tuesday for the double-sized 50th SuperFogeys strip!
Please login to comment.
Login or Registertimlight at
Bingo! ^^
kavonn at
You can stab people with it. That has to count for something, right?
Brock at
Thanks for your understanding, Kosmix. And thanks for again for pre-ordering.
kosmixbook at
Drag dude. But, your family first attitude is definitely the way to go. I can't wait to get my paws on The SF Colection.
Brock at
Thanks for the tip, Silver. I had no idea. Thanks for your support, too! I want to know when your book is coming out.
SilverWordz at
PS Brock! The Pre-order link in your comment isn't going to the shop. I did find my way though, next paycheck I'm gonna have to get both collections.
SilverWordz at
I missed all the updates cause I was on vacation! It was great to come back and have bunch to read though, I truly love this comic.
dgriff13 at
well, as long as it's shiny…
dueeast at
Shiny is as shiny does… :)
Ersatz at
Oh yeah, yeah it's shiny all right!
Roguehill at
Sounds darned exciting, Brock! All that AND a double-sized 50th strip? Way to go!
dangerfunk at
He looks pretty valiant to me.
NekkoXIII at
after all, shiny is all that really matters :D.
cs3ink at
Stabby Team USA at
Delusions? Pshaw..all he has to do is believe hard enough..
Rydel6 at
Yay Bingo!
Zheror at
Aw. Poor guy is delusional.