The Traceur

Chapter 1 - (Pg. 6)

Author notes

Chapter 1 - (Pg. 6)


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Hey everyone! Look at that! I actually stuck to my schedule! And, I'm pretty happy about how this one turned out, too.

So, here's what happened to me the last 15 days….

Well, the day after I posted the last page, I went off to be a counselor at a summer camp for 3rd-5th graders… Needless to say, I'm not having kids for a long, LONG time…

I got home on Sunday, and I had one day to relax until I got my wisdom teeth pulled… Oh joy… I was sick for a few hours. Threw up once, have been fine since. Pain was also never a real issue. According to my mom, I said some pretty funny stuff when I was loopy. I woke up, and 10 minutes later, I was walking out of there no problem :D

So, with all that outta the way, here's the comic. Only took a few days of hard work to get finished. Check back in 15 days for the next page.


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