The Uncanny Uper Dave First Prev - Page 2 - page 1 - Title - Hullo! - fightsplosion special 2 - fightsplosion special 1 - Uper Custody - derp - Uper Xmas special 2 - Uper xmas special 1 - Story! - Uper Projection - Uper Hotline - Uper Exorcist - Uper Ambulance - Hey! - Uper conversation - Uper Satire - Uper tomfoolery - Uper anatomy - Duper Groove - Uper combat - Uper Choices - Uper Etiquette - Uper marksmanship - oooops - Uper Miracles - Uper Sportsmanship - Uper Prankster - Uper Archery - Uper what the hell are you doing dave - Uper Dare - Uper Smoking - Uper Fatherhood - Uper Roomies - Uper WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME KAREN - Uper I WONDER WHY - Uper assistance - Uper honesty - Uper Lifestyle - uper custody - what's goin down? - Uper parenthood - A little gift - page 10 - Page 9- assail! - page 8- Jerry? - page 7 - Page 6: is that a plot hole? - Page 5: meds? - Page 4- the hive - Page 3- a call for help - Page 2: Umber Columbo and his FIENDISH PLOT - Page 1- Umber Columbo! - The all new JUSTICE HIVE - Uper Research - Uper Tact - Happy valentine's Dave Again! - Uper Amore - The orphan plague - Uper ANGER - Uper Zoo - Uper Swim meet - an artist's impression - seriously guys. I've seen enough on deviantart to suggest that sonic is gay. - Andrew Lloyd ZAP! - Uper Emo - something to stave you off - GUYS! - Another year, another Dave - the last of the fanart? I think so... - more fanart? - more fanart - even more fanart? - more fanart! - Fanart 1: CDNA - Happy Christmas! - On the Twelfth day of Christmas... - On the Eleventh day of Christmas... - On the tenth day of Christmas... - On the Ninth day of Christmas... - On the Eighth day of Christmas... - On the Seventh Day of Christmas... - On the sixth day of Christmas... - On the fifth day of Christmas... - On the fourth day of Christmas... - On the Third day of Christmas... - On the Second day of Christmas... - On the first day of Christmas... - hey! - Caption contest! - Uper arson - Uper dismemberment - Uper Atrocity - Uper Controversy - Uper Outrage - Uper Adoption - Fight Racism! - New thumbnail! - Uper Smooth - Uper dave is a Cat person - VaChina. thats like, China but in a dirty way. - Uper finale! - Uper Fordsalesman - filler/I'm a twat - everything's... sepia - DaveVD - plot tweest - Metal Gear Filler - Schwing! - Oh Jesus Christ. - It's ever so much fun. - The Uper Zone. - Welcome to... - Orange you glad you're reading? - Uper beatdown - sorry! - Finish him? - nega dave- meet FIRE - Uper Fire - Back to Dave - A glimmer... - Death of a Dave - Fingah beem - Trials and Tribulations - why so positive? - NO! - SKCH - sorry! - Flippin eck - Beam! - Dragonfly! - Snatch - DRAGON POPE - Transform and ROLL OUT! - Wrath of The Cardinal! - Misfire! - ... Is the Nature of my Game - ...But what's Puzzling you.... - ...I'm a man of wealth and taste... - Let me please introduce myself... - BIBLE BEAM - ALL PRAISE THE MECHASSIAH - I Feel That it Was Necessary - Independance Day - Power #2 - It Begins! - CHrAgin MAH DAVE - I'm so AWESOME - Not the Father - Uper! - Concerning Children - Drunk Driving - +5 Healing Index - There's a crow in the computer wires. - Vrrrrrmmmmmmmmm - We need YOU! - He Turned Me Into a NEWT! - I Wanna Rock and Roll All- what do you mean "get out"? - Taking tea with the Mayor of Davemerdon - Let's NOT do the time warp again. - Killimanjaro! - ADVENTURE! - More ADVENTURE anyone? - a little more ADVENTURE! - Even more ADVENTURE! - further ADVENTURE! - The Uper Dave ADVENTURE! - More filler please. - GAH! FILLER! - Love is... - 7 second Uper Dave: By rufus_edge - Domo! - CRAP! - this uper dave was drawn in 7 seconds and edited in two minutes. - Daverok- wait, that doesn't work. It's about Dinosaurs okay? - Sssssssssmokin! - Lord of the DAVE - Uper Style! - And you thought these were made up... - RUNNING RIOT! - Uper Mario Dave - Political Dave - Golly GOSH! - The crossroads - The Big Number 100! - The Big 99 - Haaaappy... - FILLER/EXCUSE - Uper Thrash - Colon my ASS! - Dumb Movie #5 The Devil wears Prada - Dumb movie #4 Spiderman 3 - Dumb movie #3 High School Musical - Dumb movie #2 DOOM - Dumb Movie 1: Pathfinder - Arson about - A taxing situation - Save me a purple one Dave! - Crazy Nights - Calling Doctor Dave! - Needs Veterinary Practice - All in All - Justice Hive #13- epilogue - Justice Hive #12 - The Justice Hive #11 - The Justice Hive #10 - The Justice Hive #9 - The Justice Hive #8 - The Justice Hive #7 - The Justice Hive #6 - The Justice Hive #5 - The Justice Hive #4 - The Justice Hive #3 - The Justice Hive #2 - The Justice Hive #1 - Valentine's Dave - Friends! - Keepin' Clean - The Mircale of Unbirth - ONE MONTH! - Uper Dave buys a Rug - So you'll be a a big strong... oh my good God. - Boredom kills. - Breaking Up - DaveCo - Hygiene Issues - The Anatomy of Uper Dave - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #10 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #9 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #8 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #7 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #6 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #5 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #4 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #3 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #2 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #1 - The Enemy of Dave - Uper Dave is the Metal - Sharing! - Bee Safe - Bunny! - Disco Inferno - Forbidfden Knowledge - Final What now? - Galaga - strum - BODILY MUTILATION! - Goin Deeper Underground - Crrrraaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy! - The Word is "Midget" - Club Cool - They're gonna taste... - yaaaksha - Riiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhttt - Zzzzzap! - Uper Dave is the Champ - Baaaa I'm a Lamb. - neenaaneenaa - Use Yer Noodle - Befoulst Thee! - Holey Moley! - Uncanny - The Hamster Dance - Kidney Trauma - Flames of Desire - Belts - Relationship Issues - Swear Box - weewooweewoo - Family Conflict - HAHAHA! - Whoopee! - Digimon Are the Champions! - GAAAAAWD! - Uper Fans - Super Scrabble - Jelly Jelly - The Joy of Sufferance - King of the Pogs - Pyro the Pain - The Art of High Society! - The Yellow Menace! - Family Problems Next Last First Prev - Page 2 - page 1 - Title - Hullo! - fightsplosion special 2 - fightsplosion special 1 - Uper Custody - derp - Uper Xmas special 2 - Uper xmas special 1 - Story! - Uper Projection - Uper Hotline - Uper Exorcist - Uper Ambulance - Hey! - Uper conversation - Uper Satire - Uper tomfoolery - Uper anatomy - Duper Groove - Uper combat - Uper Choices - Uper Etiquette - Uper marksmanship - oooops - Uper Miracles - Uper Sportsmanship - Uper Prankster - Uper Archery - Uper what the hell are you doing dave - Uper Dare - Uper Smoking - Uper Fatherhood - Uper Roomies - Uper WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME KAREN - Uper I WONDER WHY - Uper assistance - Uper honesty - Uper Lifestyle - uper custody - what's goin down? - Uper parenthood - A little gift - page 10 - Page 9- assail! - page 8- Jerry? - page 7 - Page 6: is that a plot hole? - Page 5: meds? - Page 4- the hive - Page 3- a call for help - Page 2: Umber Columbo and his FIENDISH PLOT - Page 1- Umber Columbo! - The all new JUSTICE HIVE - Uper Research - Uper Tact - Happy valentine's Dave Again! - Uper Amore - The orphan plague - Uper ANGER - Uper Zoo - Uper Swim meet - an artist's impression - seriously guys. I've seen enough on deviantart to suggest that sonic is gay. - Andrew Lloyd ZAP! - Uper Emo - something to stave you off - GUYS! - Another year, another Dave - the last of the fanart? I think so... - more fanart? - more fanart - even more fanart? - more fanart! - Fanart 1: CDNA - Happy Christmas! - On the Twelfth day of Christmas... - On the Eleventh day of Christmas... - On the tenth day of Christmas... - On the Ninth day of Christmas... - On the Eighth day of Christmas... - On the Seventh Day of Christmas... - On the sixth day of Christmas... - On the fifth day of Christmas... - On the fourth day of Christmas... - On the Third day of Christmas... - On the Second day of Christmas... - On the first day of Christmas... - hey! - Caption contest! - Uper arson - Uper dismemberment - Uper Atrocity - Uper Controversy - Uper Outrage - Uper Adoption - Fight Racism! - New thumbnail! - Uper Smooth - Uper dave is a Cat person - VaChina. thats like, China but in a dirty way. - Uper finale! - Uper Fordsalesman - filler/I'm a twat - everything's... sepia - DaveVD - plot tweest - Metal Gear Filler - Schwing! - Oh Jesus Christ. - It's ever so much fun. - The Uper Zone. - Welcome to... - Orange you glad you're reading? - Uper beatdown - sorry! - Finish him? - nega dave- meet FIRE - Uper Fire - Back to Dave - A glimmer... - Death of a Dave - Fingah beem - Trials and Tribulations - why so positive? - NO! - SKCH - sorry! - Flippin eck - Beam! - Dragonfly! - Snatch - DRAGON POPE - Transform and ROLL OUT! - Wrath of The Cardinal! - Misfire! - ... Is the Nature of my Game - ...But what's Puzzling you.... - ...I'm a man of wealth and taste... - Let me please introduce myself... - BIBLE BEAM - ALL PRAISE THE MECHASSIAH - I Feel That it Was Necessary - Independance Day - Power #2 - It Begins! - CHrAgin MAH DAVE - I'm so AWESOME - Not the Father - Uper! - Concerning Children - Drunk Driving - +5 Healing Index - There's a crow in the computer wires. - Vrrrrrmmmmmmmmm - We need YOU! - He Turned Me Into a NEWT! - I Wanna Rock and Roll All- what do you mean "get out"? - Taking tea with the Mayor of Davemerdon - Let's NOT do the time warp again. - Killimanjaro! - ADVENTURE! - More ADVENTURE anyone? - a little more ADVENTURE! - Even more ADVENTURE! - further ADVENTURE! - The Uper Dave ADVENTURE! - More filler please. - GAH! FILLER! - Love is... - 7 second Uper Dave: By rufus_edge - Domo! - CRAP! - this uper dave was drawn in 7 seconds and edited in two minutes. - Daverok- wait, that doesn't work. It's about Dinosaurs okay? - Sssssssssmokin! - Lord of the DAVE - Uper Style! - And you thought these were made up... - RUNNING RIOT! - Uper Mario Dave - Political Dave - Golly GOSH! - The crossroads - The Big Number 100! - The Big 99 - Haaaappy... - FILLER/EXCUSE - Uper Thrash - Colon my ASS! - Dumb Movie #5 The Devil wears Prada - Dumb movie #4 Spiderman 3 - Dumb movie #3 High School Musical - Dumb movie #2 DOOM - Dumb Movie 1: Pathfinder - Arson about - A taxing situation - Save me a purple one Dave! - Crazy Nights - Calling Doctor Dave! - Needs Veterinary Practice - All in All - Justice Hive #13- epilogue - Justice Hive #12 - The Justice Hive #11 - The Justice Hive #10 - The Justice Hive #9 - The Justice Hive #8 - The Justice Hive #7 - The Justice Hive #6 - The Justice Hive #5 - The Justice Hive #4 - The Justice Hive #3 - The Justice Hive #2 - The Justice Hive #1 - Valentine's Dave - Friends! - Keepin' Clean - The Mircale of Unbirth - ONE MONTH! - Uper Dave buys a Rug - So you'll be a a big strong... oh my good God. - Boredom kills. - Breaking Up - DaveCo - Hygiene Issues - The Anatomy of Uper Dave - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #10 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #9 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #8 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #7 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #6 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #5 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #4 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #3 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #2 - Uper Dave Smells Trouble! #1 - The Enemy of Dave - Uper Dave is the Metal - Sharing! - Bee Safe - Bunny! - Disco Inferno - Forbidfden Knowledge - Final What now? - Galaga - strum - BODILY MUTILATION! - Goin Deeper Underground - Crrrraaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy! - The Word is "Midget" - Club Cool - They're gonna taste... - yaaaksha - Riiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhttt - Zzzzzap! - Uper Dave is the Champ - Baaaa I'm a Lamb. - neenaaneenaa - Use Yer Noodle - Befoulst Thee! - Holey Moley! - Uncanny - The Hamster Dance - Kidney Trauma - Flames of Desire - Belts - Relationship Issues - Swear Box - weewooweewoo - Family Conflict - HAHAHA! - Whoopee! - Digimon Are the Champions! - GAAAAAWD! - Uper Fans - Super Scrabble - Jelly Jelly - The Joy of Sufferance - King of the Pogs - Pyro the Pain - The Art of High Society! - The Yellow Menace! - Family Problems Next Last Author notes Uper Prankster Bittenbymonk on May 5, 2009 Wait till he sees the knife in the other hand Comments Please login to comment. 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