The Urban Knight
- 5.9 The Future is Now
- 5.8 Time to Go
- 5.7 Futureshock
- 5.6 Unexpected
- 5.5 Slick Roads
- 5.4 Public Relations Nightmare
- 5.3 Editor's Choice
- 5.2 Letter to the Editor
- 5.1 Rain Check
Episode 5: Past, Present, Future
- 4.8 Hi Dad
- 4.7 Nicole
- 4.6 All young boys grow up
- 4.5 Change-over
- 4.4 Being Difficult
- 4.3 Moving on
- 4.2 Grief
- 4.1 Flashback
Episode 4: Before Tomorrow
- 3.28 Double Take
- 3.27 Reality (sort of)
- 3.26 Pieces of the whole rejoined
- 3.25 Portal to the future
- 3.24 Heartache
- 3.23 The Dilemma
- 3.22 Anything is possible
- 3.21 If you believe...
- 3.20 Reach!
- 3.19 Power corrupts
- 3.18 She's not feeling chatty
- 3.17 Elliott vs the Volcano
- 3.16 Dead city, dead asleep.
- 3.15 Flashlights and phones
- 3.14 Read a lot of science fiction maybe?
- 3.13 Cue the spooky music
- 3.12 Whithin the dreaming madness
- 3.11 To sleep; perchance to dream.
- 3.10 Don't touch!
- 3.9 CPR saves lives
- 3.8 Gotta launder my karma
- 3.7 Angry Blue
- 3.6 Pablo's Pharmacy
- 3.5 Meanwhile, back at the ranch... er... lab.
- 3.4 It's good to have career goals
- 3.3 And nothing but the truth
- 3.2 Do you swear to tell the truth?
- Episode 3: Do Fanboys Dream of Crystal Lightsabers?
3.1 Prologue
- 2.17 Welcome to the biz
- 2.16 But we're way out-numbered... oh, okay.
- 2.15 Finally, a bit of information
- 2.14 ...And I feel fine
- 2.13 Newfound Clarity
- 2.12 Where everyone knows your name...
- 2.11 A hero, by any other name...
- 2.10 In which Elliott makes a scene
- 2.9 Happy Hour at the Galaxy Bar and Grill
- 2.8 You gonna put that on or not?
- 2.7 But he didn't fly, did he?
- 2.6 The laws of physics must never know of this...
- 2.5 He could only find the lavender bedsheets
- 2.4 At least the rent's pretty cheap
- 2.3 Yes that is a paper plate...
- 2.2 Just pick something already!
- Episode 2: Elliott Mikaelain, Superhero?
2.1 Prologue
- 1.24 And now, I bring you rain!
- 1.23 What is it with Elliott and dark alleyways?
- 1.22 It'll start to make sense in a bit
- 1.21 Man's best friend (has to pee)
- 1.20 More to her than meets the eye
- 1.19 And you thought he was dead...
- 1.18 Better living through chemistry
- 1.17 Truth like burning
- 1.16 Current Events
- 1.15 FWOOSH!
- 1.14 Bit Jumpy, isn't he?
- 1.13 Introspection
- 1.12 Miranda Rights
- 1.11 Bang.
- 1.10 The moment of truth / Side Effects
- 1.9 Ka-Click!
- 1.8 Duck!
- 1.7 Pursuit
- 1.6 Kitchen meditations
- 1.5 Happy dog
- 1.4 He'll be wanting to know what was in that.
- 1.3 Flying tackle
- 1.2 Later one night
- 1.1 Late one night
Episode 1: Downpour
- 5.9 The Future is Now
- 5.8 Time to Go
- 5.7 Futureshock
- 5.6 Unexpected
- 5.5 Slick Roads
- 5.4 Public Relations Nightmare
- 5.3 Editor's Choice
- 5.2 Letter to the Editor
- 5.1 Rain Check
Episode 5: Past, Present, Future
- 4.8 Hi Dad
- 4.7 Nicole
- 4.6 All young boys grow up
- 4.5 Change-over
- 4.4 Being Difficult
- 4.3 Moving on
- 4.2 Grief
- 4.1 Flashback
Episode 4: Before Tomorrow
- 3.28 Double Take
- 3.27 Reality (sort of)
- 3.26 Pieces of the whole rejoined
- 3.25 Portal to the future
- 3.24 Heartache
- 3.23 The Dilemma
- 3.22 Anything is possible
- 3.21 If you believe...
- 3.20 Reach!
- 3.19 Power corrupts
- 3.18 She's not feeling chatty
- 3.17 Elliott vs the Volcano
- 3.16 Dead city, dead asleep.
- 3.15 Flashlights and phones
- 3.14 Read a lot of science fiction maybe?
- 3.13 Cue the spooky music
- 3.12 Whithin the dreaming madness
- 3.11 To sleep; perchance to dream.
- 3.10 Don't touch!
- 3.9 CPR saves lives
- 3.8 Gotta launder my karma
- 3.7 Angry Blue
- 3.6 Pablo's Pharmacy
- 3.5 Meanwhile, back at the ranch... er... lab.
- 3.4 It's good to have career goals
- 3.3 And nothing but the truth
- 3.2 Do you swear to tell the truth?
- Episode 3: Do Fanboys Dream of Crystal Lightsabers?
3.1 Prologue
- 2.17 Welcome to the biz
- 2.16 But we're way out-numbered... oh, okay.
- 2.15 Finally, a bit of information
- 2.14 ...And I feel fine
- 2.13 Newfound Clarity
- 2.12 Where everyone knows your name...
- 2.11 A hero, by any other name...
- 2.10 In which Elliott makes a scene
- 2.9 Happy Hour at the Galaxy Bar and Grill
- 2.8 You gonna put that on or not?
- 2.7 But he didn't fly, did he?
- 2.6 The laws of physics must never know of this...
- 2.5 He could only find the lavender bedsheets
- 2.4 At least the rent's pretty cheap
- 2.3 Yes that is a paper plate...
- 2.2 Just pick something already!
- Episode 2: Elliott Mikaelain, Superhero?
2.1 Prologue
- 1.24 And now, I bring you rain!
- 1.23 What is it with Elliott and dark alleyways?
- 1.22 It'll start to make sense in a bit
- 1.21 Man's best friend (has to pee)
- 1.20 More to her than meets the eye
- 1.19 And you thought he was dead...
- 1.18 Better living through chemistry
- 1.17 Truth like burning
- 1.16 Current Events
- 1.15 FWOOSH!
- 1.14 Bit Jumpy, isn't he?
- 1.13 Introspection
- 1.12 Miranda Rights
- 1.11 Bang.
- 1.10 The moment of truth / Side Effects
- 1.9 Ka-Click!
- 1.8 Duck!
- 1.7 Pursuit
- 1.6 Kitchen meditations
- 1.5 Happy dog
- 1.4 He'll be wanting to know what was in that.
- 1.3 Flying tackle
- 1.2 Later one night
- 1.1 Late one night
Episode 1: Downpour
Author notes
Back! And now with conspiracy details!! Sorry about the long time between pages, I've been busy in the intervening time (graduated college, started working in a new responsibility-laden position…). I've been working on a nice wallpaper/t-shirt/pin-up style picture of some of the Urban Knight characters for you guys. It should be up in the 'extras' section sometime this week I hope. Gonna try and get cracking on the next story page too if I can. Maybe we'll have more than one update in a month again! Here's hoping! -Weasy
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Woah, seems like it might be kinda neat. I'll have to check out your archive when I have some spare time.